Qingyang Wang
Associate Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Division
LSU, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Address: 3272M Patrick F. Taylor Hall
LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: (225) 578-0959 (office)
E-Mail: qywang@cscemail

About Me

I am an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Louisiana State University. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech in 2014. Before that, I received my M.E. and B.E degrees from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wuhan University, repectively.

To prospective students: I'm always looking for students who have a solid background in computer systems and share my research interests. If you are interested, please e-mail me with your CV and transcripts.

  • March 2024: Our paper on novel attacks by exploiting microservices dependencies has been accepted by DSN 2024, Congratulations, Xuhang!
  • Dec. 2023: Our Middleware'23 paper "Sora" received the Best Paper Award, Congratulations, Jianshu!
  • Feb. 2023: Our paper on addressing microservcies adaptation has been accepted by Middleware 2023, Congratulations, Jianshu!
  • Oct. 2022: I was invited to give a keynote speech at IEEE Cloud Summit 2022.
  • Oct. 2022: Our paper on ShadowSync Problem on Real-time Stream Processing Systems has been accepted by Middleware 2022, Congratulations, Shungeng!
  • Oct. 2021: Our paper on Smart Autoscaling for SLO-Oriented Web Applications been accepted by TPDS, Congratulations, Jianshu!
  • April. 2021: Our paper on A Scalable Framework for Smart Contracts on the Cloud has been accepted by ICDCS 2021
  • Oct. 2020: I will serve as the Program Vice Co-Chair (security and privacy track) in ICDCS 2021. Please consider submitting your work.
  • Aug. 2020: Our paper on A New Datastore Driver Architecture to Optimize Fanout Query Performance has been accepted by Middleware 2020, Congratulations, Shungeng!
  • Jan. 2020: NSF awarded Dr. Wang's project on studying a new type of DDoS attack by exploiting millibottlenecks in n-tier systems. Thank you, NSF!
  • Dec. 2019: Two papers have been accepted by IPDPS 2020! Congratulations, Jianshu and Pinchao!
  • Nov. 2019: Our paper "ShadowMove: A Stealthy Lateral Movement Strategy" has been accepted by USENIX Security Symposium 2020!
  • June 2019: Dr. Wang received the Outstanding Services Award from the Services Conference Federation (SCF) for his service on organizing a set of conferences under SCF, Thank you SCF!
  • March 2019: Our paper on stealthy DDoS attack is accepted to ICDCS'19. Congratulations, Shungeng!
  • April 2019: Our journal paper on efficient soft resource allocation is accepted to ACM Trans. on Modeling and Perf. Eval. of Computing Systems (ACM TOMPECS). Congratulations, Shungeng!
  • Feb. 2019: Our journal paper on efficient asynchronous event processing flow is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems (TPDS). Congratulations, Shungeng!
  • Feb. 2019: Our paper on Tracking in Mobile Ad Networks is accepted to CNS'19. Congratulations, Boyang!
  • Oct. 2018: Dr. Wang will co-chair the 2019 Cloud conference. Check out the detail here!
  • July 2018: Brian Peterson receives the Best Paper Award at Cloud 2018, congratulation, Brian!
  • CS2610 Cloud Fundamentals and Web Programming (in spring semester)
  • CS4610 Virtualization and Cloud Systems (in fall semester)
  • CS4740 Big Data Technologies (spring 2015)
  • CS7700 Cloud and Enterprise Systems (in spring semester)

My research is in distributed systems and cloud computing with a current focus on performance, scalability, security of large-scale web applications and IoT stream processing.

My research is motivated by the essential requirement of simultaneously achieving good performance and high utilization for cost efficiency in cloud computing environments. Good performance (e.g., fast response time) is critical for the business of e-commerce web applications like Amazon. High utilization through virtualization and hardware resource sharing is essential for cloud vendors for a high return on investment. However, both practitioners and researchers have experienced large response time fluctuations or unpredictable performance in the cloud, especially when the utilization becomes high. To solve this problem, my research has been focusing on two aspects: first, investigate various system-level factors that cause the performance unpredictability of systems running at moderate to high resource utilization; second, design, implement and evaluate practical solutions to mitigate the negative impact of those factors and achieve the performance predictability at high resource utilization.











  • Junhee Park, Qingyang Wang Jack Li, Chien-An Lai, Tao Zhu, Calton Pu, “Performance Interference of Memory Thrashing in Virtualized Cloud Environments: A Study of consolidated n-Tier Applications.” In Proc. of the 9th International Conference On Cloud Computing (Cloud'16), San Francisco, USA, July 2016. (Acceptance rate: 15%) (Runner-Up for Best Paper Award)

  • Kisung Lee, Ling Liu, Raghu K. Ganti, Mudhakar Srivatsa, Qi Zhang, Yang Zhou, and Qingyang Wang. “Lightweight Indexing and Querying Services for Big Spatial Data.” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC 2016)


  • Qi Fan, Qingyang Wang. “Performance Comparison of Web Servers with Different Architectures: A Case Study using High Concurrency Workload”, In Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies (HotWeb'15), Washington, D.C., USA, November 2015.

  • Brian Peterson, Gerald Baumgartner, Qingyang Wang. “A Hybrid Cloud Framework for Scientific Computing”, In Proc. of the 8th International Conference On Cloud Computing (Cloud'15), New York City, USA, July 2015. (Acceptance rate: 15%)


  • Jack Li, Qingyang Wang, Chien-An Lai, Junhee Park, Daisaku Yokoyama, Calton Pu, “The Impact of Software Resource Allocation on Consolidated n-Tier Applications”, In Proc. of the 7th International Conference On Cloud Computing (Cloud'14), Alaska, USA, June 2014.(Acceptance rate: 20%)

  • Chien-An Lai, Qingyang Wang, Josh Kimball,Jack Li, Junhee Park, Calton Pu, “IO Performance Interference among Consolidated n-Tier Applications: Sharing is Better than Isolation for Disks”, In Proc. of the 7th International Conference On Cloud Computing (Cloud'14), Alaska, USA June 2014.(Acceptance rate: 20%)




  • Yasuhiko Kanemasa, Qingyang Wang, and Calton Pu “Information processing apparatus and load control method”, U.S. Patent 9,436,265, issued September 6, 2016.

  • Yasuhiko Kanemasa, Calton Pu, Qingyang Wang, “Computer Program, Method, and Information Processing Apparatus for Analyzing Performance of Computer System”, US Patent 8,984,125, 2015/3/17

  • Yasuhiko Kanemasa, Motoyuki Kawaba, Calton Pu, Qingyang Wang, “Information Processing Apparatus, Computer Program, and Method for Controlling Execution of Jobs”, US Patent 9,189,272, 2015/11/17

  • Yasuhiko Kanemasa, Motoyuki Kawaba, Calton Pu, Qingyang Wang, “Method, Computer Program, and Information Processing Apparatus for Analyzing Performance of Computer System”, US Patent App. 13/373,047, 2013/5/9

Recent Professional Services
  • PC Members: EuroSys'25, ICDCS'25, '21, '19, '18, '17, AsiaCCS'25, '24, ICAC'19, IEEE Cloud'18, '17, '16, '15, IEEE HotWeb'17, IEEE ICPP'16, IEEE ICPADS'16, CollabCloud'14
  • PC Co-Chair/Vice Chair/Area Chair:
  • Journal Reviews: IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS)
Current Students
  • Jianshu Liu, PhD
  • Xuhang Gu, PhD
  • Shungeng Zhang, PhD (graduated in 2021, first employment: assistant professor at Augusta University)
  • Huasong Shan, PhD (graduated in 2018, first employment: JD.com, Inc. at Silicon Valley)
  • Brian Peterson, PhD (graduated in 2017, co-advise with Dr. Gerald Baumgartner, first employment: MathWorks, Inc..)
  • Chui Hui Chiu, PhD (graduated in 2017, co-advise with Dr. Seung-Jong Park, first employment: Futurewei Technologies, Inc.)
  • Yen-Jung (Iris) Chen, M.S. (graduated in 2018, first employment: Code Willing, LLC)
  • Grant Bourque, B.S. (graduated in 2016, first employment: in Anedot, Inc.)
  • Hui Chen, (PhD student at LSU betwen 2015 and 2016, first employment: Huawei at Shenzhen)
  • Qi Fan, M.S. (graduated in 2015, first employment: Microsoft at Seattle)

Last Updated: December 18, 2017