- Jan, 2020:NSF awarded Dr. Wang's project on studying a new type of DDoS attack by exploiting millibottlenecks in n-tier systems. Thank you, NSF!
- Dec, 2019:Two papers have been accepted by IPDPS 2020! Congratulations, Jianshu and Pinchao!
- Nov, 2019:Our paper "ShadowMove: A Stealthy Lateral Movement Strategy" has been accepted by USENIX Security Symposium 2020!
- June, 2019:Dr. Wang received the Outstanding Services Awards from the Services Conference Federation (SCF) for his service on organizing a set of conferences under SCF, Thank you SCF!
- March 28, 2019:Our paper on stealthy DDoS attack is accepted to ICDCS'19. Congratulations, Shungeng!
- April 14, 2019:Our journal paper on soft resource allocation is accepted to ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ACM TOMPECS). Congratulations, Shungeng!
- Feb. 28, 2019:Our paper on Tracking in Mobile Ad Networks is accepted to CNS'19. Congratulations, Boyang!
- October 10, 2018:I recently co-chaired the 2019 Cloud conference. Check out the detail here!
- July 30, 2018:Brian Peterson receives the Best Paper Award at Cloud 2018, congratulation, Brian!