Grading #
Evaluation is based upon quality, completeness, demonstrated skill, and originality of produced content, as well as effectiveness of oral presentation and writing. Students are individually evaluated in group assignments, and are expected to contribute to these in equal measures. As a project-based course, Video Game Design has no written midterm and final exams but may have in-class pop quizzes.
20% | Assignment 1: Individual Game |
10% | Assignment 2: Game Proposal |
10% | Assignment 3: Progress Update #1 |
15% | Assignment 4: Functional Prototype |
10% | Assignment 5: Progress Update #2 |
10% | Assignment 6: Final Report |
25% | Final Game (Final Exam) |
The grading scale expected to be used is
A+ | A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C+ | C | C- | D+ | D | D- | F |
≥97 | ≥93 | ≥90 | ≥87 | ≥83 | ≥80 | ≥77 | ≥73 | ≥70 | ≥67 | ≥63 | ≥60 | <60 |
The instructor reserves the right to provide a relative or absolute curve to any assignment’s grade.
Late Assignments #
Each assignment will have a specified date and time when deliverables are due. If deliverables are turned in late, this may result in a penalty applied to the overall assignment grade. Expect to lose up to 5% per day.
Course Participation #
Attendance is required.
Students seeking excused absences must notify the teaching team ahead of time about any planned missed classes. Unexcused absences may result in a lower course grade.
Absent students might miss quizzes, which may be given any time without notice. Quizzes will not be made up without prior approval of excused absence.
In accord with LSU Policy Statement 22, students with excused absences will be provided with a satisfactory alternative to missed classwork. The makeup assignment for quizzes will be a one-page write-up reflecting on the readings for the class missed.
COVID-19 #
Accommodations will be made for students that must isolate due to safety protocols. These students will be able to attend classes via Zoom. Assignment handouts and associated turn-ins will all be done via Moodle and the course website.
Please review the LSU COVID-19 Roadmap for more information and resources on university policies around COVID-19.
Communication #
A Moodle page will be used as an essential channel of communication for updates about the curriculum, including assignments, as well as for students to share questions, solutions, and ideas. Written deliverables for assignments will be turned in via Moodle and the classes.csc.lsu.edu server.
Students may schedule meetings with the instructor outside class times by appointment or attending office hours.
Academic Misconduct #
Academic misconduct is a serious offense. Academic misconduct will be handled in accordance with LSU Code of Student Conduct, Code 10.1:
A Student is responsible for submitting work for evaluation that reflects the Student’s performance. If a Student has a question regarding the Instructor’s expectations for assignments, projects, tests, or other items submitted for a grade, it is the Student’s responsibility to seek clarification from the Instructor.
A Student found Responsible for Academic Misconduct may NOT drop the course in which the violation occurred. Any Student who drops the course without written permission from SAA will be re-enrolled in the class and then given the appropriate grade as provided in the Outcome. Faculty must submit the grade change form.
A Student may be charged with Academic Misconduct for the following acts or omissions:
- Collaboration. Unauthorized interaction between two or more individuals on any academic work by giving, receiving, or otherwise sharing information without permission of the Instructor.
- Collusion. Communicating with another Student or other individual during an examination or assignment without the permission of the Instructor.
- Copying. Copying from another Student’s academic work; assisting with copying by making answers or other completed assignments available, in whole or part, to another Student, whether or not the recipient’s intentions to copy were known to the Student prior to the sharing.
- Failure to Follow Course Requirements. Failure to adhere to standards of conduct for academic integrity that are promulgated by an academic unit or Instructor.
- False information. Falsifying or fabricating any information, data, or citation in any academic work or documents intended to support medical excuses.
- Misrepresentation. Misleading an Instructor as to the condition under which the work was prepared including, but not limited to, substituting for another Student or permitting another person to substitute for oneself on any academic work.
- Other Academic Misconduct. Attempting to commit, or assisting someone in the commission or attempted commission of an offense defined in this section, or any other act of Academic Misconduct.
- Plagiarism. Lack of appropriate citation, or the unacknowledged inclusion of someone else’s words, structure, ideas, or data; failure to identify a source, or the submission of essentially the same work for two assignments without permission of the Instructor.
- Unauthorized Materials. Using any material, technique or device on an academic assignment that is prohibited; having any forbidden or unauthorized material, technique or device in sight during an examination or quiz will be considered a violation.
Students with Disabilities #
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities.
If you believe you have a disability that would benefit from support, you will need to register with Disability Services, currently located in 124 Johnston Hall or call 225-578-5919. Access resources at: https://www.lsu.edu/disability/