Assignment 6: Final Report

Final Presentation (May 2 and May 4): #

Each team will present a game trailer (~60-90 seconds, 3 minute max) followed by 5 minutes of discussion, feedback, and questions. The trailer should:

  • Start with something awesome! You want to grab the audiences’ attention.
  • Demonstrate the core game play and mechanics.
  • Showcase what makes your game unique or interesting.
  • Use title cards, voice over, epic background music (compose your own or use CC or copyright-free music), and juicy sound effects.
  • Closing title card with your game title, studio name, and your names.

Trailer Submission (Monday, May 1 at 11:59 PM): #

Sumbit the video file for your game trailer via Moodle. Video files should be 1080p (1920x1080) and encoded using H.264 codec or equivalent.

Report Submission (Monday, May 8 at 11:59 pm) #

Turn in the following files via Moodle:

  • Final OPPM sheet
  • Final project report

Final Project Report #

A summation of the final game and your design process. The report should be at least 6 single-spaced pages with 12pt font size and 1” margins, and consist of the following content:

  • Explain each team member’s contribution
  • Explain how to play your game
  • Explain game rules and mechanics
  • Explain the design trades-offs that you had to make, including what you originally envisioned versus what you accomplished.
  • Explain outcomes of playtesting and how your designs changed due to feedback.
  • Explain the overall software design:
    • Show and discuss any Finite State Machines.
    • Give high-level explanation of any AI used
    • Explain how specific visual or audio effects were achieved
    • Credit any open-source audio, artwork and code used

Self+Peer Assessment Form (Monday, May 1 at 11:59 PM): #

Each individual team member fills out the following assessment form of your individual efforts and those of your teammates: Assessment Form. Submit the form via Moodle in the Final Assessment Forms Assignment.

Assessments forms will factor into grade calculations. You will not receive a grade for the assignment until you have submitted this form. Your assignment (for you individually) will be considered late if you submit this form after the deadline.

Grading #

  • Game Trailer – 40%
  • Documentations (report, website, and OPPM sheet) – 40%
  • Individual performance (evaluated according to OPPM and Self+Peer Assessment) – 20%

(Note: no-show team member will not receive the presentation credits without an excused absence.)