Assignment 3: Progress Update #1

Progress Update Presentation (March 7 & March 9): #

Each team will give an 5-minute presentation consisting of the following information:

  • Progress of your game development
  • Demostration of game play, artworks, sound design, and interactivity
  • Plans for what your team will focus on between now and the next presentation

File Submissions (Monday, March 6 at 11:59 PM): #

Upload the following files to Moodle:

  • Updated OPPM sheet
  • Link to Google Slides presentation
  • Progress report (font size 12pt, single-spaced, 1-inch margins) consisting of at least the following content:
    • Game elements (players, rules, challenges, outcomes, and boundaries) - Did these change or expand from your proposal?
    • Game structure (e.g., finite state machines) - How are you designing the underlying game structure?
    • Implemented mechanics - What rules have you implemented in your game?
    • Interaction design (e.g., input / output, interface design) - How do/will players interact? What input mechanisms and feedback are you using or planning to use?
    • Art and sound design completed
    • Explain each team member’s contribution
    • Plans for next cycle

Grading: #

  • Game design progress – 75%
  • Presentation – 10%
  • Documentation (report, slides, and OPPM sheet) – 15%

(Note: no-show team members will not receive the presentation credits without an excused absence.)