Publications (Year | Type)
- Generating Rate Features for Mobile Applications
S. Shrestha and A. Mahmoud, International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering (MobilSoft 2024) - Using Wireframing Frameworks in a Capstone Software Engineering Class
A. Mahmoud, IEEE Software (IEEE Software 2023)
- Unsupervised Summarization of Privacy Concerns in Mobile Application Reviews
F. Ebrahimi and A. Mahmoud, IEEE/ACM Inter Conf on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2022) - Domain-Specific Analysis of Mobile App Reviews Using Keyword-Assisted Topic Models
M. Tushev, F. Ebrahimi, and A. Mahmoud, International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2022) - A Sys. Lit. Review of Anti-Discrimination Design Strategies in the Digital Sharing Economy
M. Tushev, F. Ebrahimi, and A. Mahmoud, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE 2022)
- Classifying Mobile Applications Using Word Embeddings
F. Ebrahimi, M. Tushev, and A. Mahmoud, ACM Tran. on Soft. Eng. and Meth. (ACM TOSEM 2021) - Analysis of Nondiscrimination Policies in the Sharing Economy
M. Tushev, F. Ebrahimi, and A. Mahmoud, Inter. Conf. Soft. Maint. Evol. (ICSME 2021) - Mobile App Privacy in Software Engineering Research: A Systematic Mapping Study
F. Ebrahimi, M. Tushev, and A. Mahmoud, Information and Software Technology (IST 2021)
- Modeling User Concerns in Sharing Economy: The Case of Food Delivery Apps
G. Williams, M. Tushev, F. Ebrahimi, and A. Mahmoud, Automated Software Engineering (ASEJ 2020) - Digital Discrimination in Sharing Economy: An RE Perspective
M. Tushev, F. Ebrahimi, and A. Mahmoud, IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2020) - Linguistic Documentation of Software History
M. Tushev and A. Mahmoud, International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2020) - On Combining IR Methods to Improve Bug Localization
S. Khatiwada, M. Tushev, and A. Mahmoud, Inter. Conf. on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2020)
- Using GitHub in Large Software Engineering Classes: An Exploratory Case Study
M. Tushev, G. Williams and A. Mahmoud, Journal of Computer Science Education (CSE 2019) - Linguistic Change in Open Source Software
M. Tushev, S. Khatiwada and A. Mahmoud, Inter. Conf. Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2019) - Video Game Development in a Rush: A Survey of the Global Game Jam Participants
M. Borg, V.Garousi, A. Mahmoud, T. Olsson, O Stalberg, IEEE Transactions on Games (TG 19) - Mining Non-Functional Requirements from App Store Reviews
N. Jha and A. Mahmoud, Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE 19) - Summary of SST'19 - Software and Systems Traceability
J. Steghofer, N. Guo, and A. Mahmoud, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes (ACM SEN 2019) - Learning from Failure: Modeling User Goals in the App Market
G. Williams, N. Jha and A. Mahmoud, IEEE Software Blog
- Modeling User Concerns in the App Store: A Case Study on the Rise and Fall of Yik Yak
G. Williams, and A. Mahmoud, IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2018) - Using Frame Semantics for Classifying and Summarizing Application Store Reviews
N. Jha and A. Mahmoud, Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE 18) - Just Enough Semantics: An Information Theoretic Approach for IR-based Software Bug Localization
S. Khatiwada, M. Tushev, and A. Mahmoud, Information and Software Technology (IST 18) - Enhancing the Requirements Engineering Process with Efficient Knowledge Acquisition Techniques
D. Rodriguez, D. Carver, and A. Mahmoud, IEEE/AIAA Aerospace (2018) - A Time and Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Electric Vehicles based on Historical Driving Data
M. Bozorgi, M. Farasat, and A. Mahmoud, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV 18)
- Semantic Topic Models for Source Code Analysis
A. Mahmoud and G. Bradshaw, Empirical Software Engineering Journal (EMSE 17) - Mining Twitter Feeds for Software User Requirements
G. Williams and A. Mahmoud, IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2017) - Analyzing User Comments on YouTube Coding Tutorial Videos
E. Poche, N. Jha, G. Williams, J. Staten, M. Vesper and A. Mahmoud, (ICPC 2017) - Mining User Requirements from Application Store Reviews using Frame Semantics
N. Jha and A. Mahmoud, Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2017) - MARC: A Mobile Application Review Classifier
N. Jha and A. Mahmoud, Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2017) - Mining Twitter Data for a More Responsive Software Engineering Process
G. Williams and A. Mahmoud, International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE: Posters 2017) - Analyzing, Classifying, and Interpreting Emotions in Software Users Tweets
G. Williams and A. Mahmoud, Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering (ICSE/SEmotion 2017)
- Copper: Bringing Flexible Components to the .NET Framework
G. Williams and A. Mahmoud, (ICSE/ECASE 2017) - Detecting, Classifying, and Tracing Non-Functional Requirements
A. Mahmoud and G. Williams*, Requirements Engineering Journal (REJ 16) - STAC: A Tool for Static Textual Analysis of Code
S. Khatiwada*, M. Kelly*, and A. Mamoud, Inter. Conf. Program Comprehension (ICPC: Tools), 2016
- Estimating Semantic Relatedness in Source Code
A. Mahmoud and G. Bradshaw, ACM Tran. on Soft. Eng. and Meth. (TOSEM 15) - An Information Theoretic Approach for Extracting and Tracing Non-Functional Requirements
A. Mahmoud, IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2015) - Exploiting On-line Human Knowledge in Requirements Engineering
A. Mahmoud and D. Carver, IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE: Next! 2015) - Leveraging LDA and POS Tagging to Support Combinational Creativity in Requirements Engineering.
N. Niu, J. Savolainen, and A. Mahmoud, Requirements Engineering Journal (REJ 15).
- Supporting Requirements to Code Traceability through Refactoring
A. Mahmoud and N. Niu, Requirement Engineering Journal (REJ 14) - On the Role of Semantics in Automated Requirements Tracing
A. Mahmoud and N. Niu, Requirement Engineering Journal (REJ 14) - Automated Support for Combinational Creativity in Requirements Engineering
T. Bowmik, N. Niu, A. Mahmoud and J. Savolainen, Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2014)
- Supporting Requirements Traceability Through Refactoring
A. Mahmoud and N. Niu,International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2013) - Departures from Optimality: Understanding Human Analyst's Info Foraging in Requirements Tracing
N. Niu, A. Mahmoud, and G. Bradshaw, International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013) - Evaluating Software Clustering Algorithms in the Context of Program Comprehension
A. Mahmoud and N. Niu, International Conference on Program comprehension (ICPC 2013)
- Enhancing Candidate Link Generation for Requirements Tracing: The Cluster Hypothesis Revisited
N. Niu and A. Mahmoud, International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2012) - A Semantic Relatedness Approach for Traceability Link Recovery
A. Mahmoud, N. Niu, and S. Xu, International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2012) - Toward an Effective Automated Tracing Process: A research Agenda
A. Mahmoud, International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2012) - Automatic Labeling of Requirements Clusters N. Niu, S. Reddivari, A. Mahmoud and T. Bhowmik, International Workshop on Search-driven development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation (SUITE/ICSE 2012)
- A Framework for Examining Topical Locality in Object-Oriented Software N. Niu, J. Savolainen, T. Bhowmik, A. Mahmoud, and S. Reddivari, Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2012)
- Faceted Navigation for Software Exploration
A. Mahmoud, X. Yang and N. Niu, International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2011) - Source Code Indexing for Automated Tracing
A. Mahmoud and N. Niu, Traceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering (TEFSE/ICSE 2011) - TraCter: A Tool for Candidate Traceability Link Clustering
A. Mahmoud, N. Niu, and X. Yang, International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2011) - Information Foraging as a Foundation for Code Navigation
N. Niu, A. Mahmoud, and G. Bradshaw, International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2011)
- An Experimental Investigation of Reusable Requirements Retrieval
A. Mahmoud and N. Niu, International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI 2010) - Real-Time Traffic Information for Emergency Evacuations
O. Franzese and A. Mahmoud, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security (JTSS 10) - Using Semantics-Enabled IR in Requirements Tracing: An Ongoing Experimental Investigation
A. Mahmoud and N. Niu, IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2010)