Current Research Funding and Contracts
[2023]: Aisha Ali-Gombe (PI), Golden G. Richard III, Anas Mahmoud, Scott Sullivan, Glenn Sumners, Rudy Hirschheim, Helmut Schneider, Greg Trahan “LSU Cybersecurity Clinic”, Funded by: National Security Agency - NCAE-C-001-2023 NCAE-C in Cybersecurity Education Innovation 2023, Total $1,478,983, 2023-2025.
[2022]: Aisha Ali-Gombe (PI) “Machine Learning-Based Entity Fingerprinting”, Funded by: National Security Agency - NCAE-C-002-2021 Cybersecurity Research Innovation, Total $483,226 (Subcontract from Towson University - PI: Sidd Kaza - $152,000), 2022-2023.
Past Research Funding and Contracts
[2021]: Mahnaz Moallem, Dastyni Loksa, Aisha Ali-Gombe (co-PI), Qing Li, Qijie Cai, Melike Kara, Rachel Billman, Marci Vandiver, LeaAnn Christenson, Christine Engbert “Preparing PK-* Preservice Teachers to Teach Computer Science: An Alternative Pathway”,Funded by: Maryland Center for Computing Education, Total
[2021]: Aisha Ali-Gombe (PI) “Machine Learning-Based Entity Fingerprinting”, Funded by: National Security Agency - NCAE-C-002-2021 Cybersecurity Research Innovation, Total $483,226 (Subaward to Virginia Commonwealth University - PI: Irfan Ahmed - $239,908), 2021-2023.
[2021]: Mary K. Stapleton, Aisha Ali-Gombe (co-PI), Willie J. Sanders “B‘More Secure: GenCyber Train the Trainer Towson University”,Funded by: National Security Agency/National Science Foundation - 2021A GenCyber Grant, Total $148,258, 2022- 2023.
[2021]: Sidd Kaza, Blair Taylor, Dastyni C. Loksa, Aisha Ali-Gombe (co-PI), Charles Dierbach “Value Returning Methods: Increasing theNumber of Women in Computing at Towson, Funded by: Center for Inclusive Computing, Northeastern University, Total
$74,632, 2021-2023
[2020]: Aisha Ali-Gombe (PI), Moinul Hossain, “Intent-aware Privacy Protection Model for Android”, Funded by Towson OSPR SeedGrant, Total - $6,384, 2020 - 2021
[2019]: Aisha Ali-Gombe (PI), “CRII: SaTC: Leveraging Userland InMemory Objects for Cybercrime Investigations and Malware Classification”, Funded by: National Science Foundation, Total - $174,999, 2019-2022.
[2017]: Aisha Ali-Gombe (PI), “CyberSecurity Curricula Development - Introducing Active Learning to Malware Analysis Curriculum”, Funded by: National Security Agency Total $101,206 (Subcontract from The Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and A&MCollege - PI: Golden G. Richard III - $220,643), 2017-2019.
Funders and Sponsors