
Credit Hours: 3

Contact Hours: 3 hours lecture per week

Frequency: Tuesday / Thursday 9:00-10:20 AM

Texts and Other Supplemental Materials: #

Catalog Course Description: #

An introduction to human-computer interaction (HCI) focused on designing interfaces that connect human users and computational technologies. Project-based course involving the full interaction design cycle, including needs and requirements gathering, prototyping, and evaluation.

Prerequisites: #

CSC 1253 or CSC 1350 or equivalent programming background

Applied to the Degree: selected elective #

  • Software Engineering Concentration – Selected elective area concentration
  • All concentrations – CSC 3000-level and above elective
  • All concentrations – Selected “Tech” elective Group A
  • All concentrations except CS and the Second Discipline Concentration – Approved free elective

Learning Objectives: #

  1. Explain the differences between good and poor interaction design.
  2. Describe what is interaction design and human-computer interaction.
  3. Describe what a conceptual model is and how to formulate one.
  4. Identify which interface is best for a given application or activity.
  5. Describe and perform various methods related to prototyping, designing, and evaluating interaction approaches.
  6. Design, implement, and evaluate an interactive experience.
  7. Apply knowledge of oral and written communication in a team-based work environment.

Major Topics: #

  1. Introduction to interaction design.
  2. Human-centered perspectives in computing.
  3. Conceptualizing interaction; mental models, affordances, signifiers, and constraints.
  4. User experience (UX).
  5. Types of interfaces.
  6. Usability and evaluation.
  7. Social software.
  8. Ubiquitous computing.
  9. Mixed-reality interfaces.
  10. Embodied interaction.