LIS 7610/CSC 7481 Project Part 1: System Design
Adapted from Doug Oard's LBSC 796/INFM 718R
Fall 2007.
Last update: August 16 2012.
Before you can build a system, you need to envision it. It will help
you a lot to write this down, because while it lives only in your mind
it is hard to know what you have not yet decided on. Writing
it down will also help you to determine later whether you accomplished
what you set out to do, but that is not the main point (since unless
you already happen to know everything, we can reasonably hope that
you'll learn something along the way!). If you are already familiar
with some formalism for creating functional specifications or parts of
functional specifiations (e.g., UML) it is fine to use what you're
comfortable with. If not, the following way of thinking through the
process should be helpful. You can think of a functional design as
having three parts:
- Goal: The problem to be solved. Don't overdo this part -- if you
can't explain your goal in a single paragraph, you probably don't
understand it well enough yet. There are two key elements here:
- Who is your user? Don't try to solve all problems for all
people. Pick someone whose needs you want to meet, and build your
system for him/her.
- What do you want to help your user do? You can and should
mention what collection your user will be searching, but you should
go beyond that to think through what they are trying to do
with that collection.
- Product: What you plan to deliver. Here the key is to imagine
how your system will be used, and then to progressively refine your
understanding to ultimately articulate how it will work. You probably
won't need more than a page of text to do this well, but you may (and
probably will) need several additional pages of figures to capture
what you need to say about this. There are two key pieces here:
- What the user can do. This is most often articulated by
starting with a use case, which in its simplest form is just a story
about a very concrete instance of using your system. From there, it
is often useful to sketch out what the screen will look like, often
with more than one sketch if your system has different "modes" (for
example, Google has three modes -- simple query, advanced query, and
result display). Sketches of static screens, coupled with the words
you write about them, may be enough to capture the key ideas. If
not, then you might also want to include a "process diagram" that
shows how the user gets from one screen to another (any easy way to
think of this is that the screens become small labeled boxes in a
process diagram, and the arrows between those boxes represent user
and system actions).
- What the system will do. Up until now you have been thinking
like a "user experience designer". Now it is time to start thinking
like a "system designer". This does not mean thinking like a
programmer -- we don't need pseudo-code, entity-relationship
diagrams, or a data dictionary. But we do need some kind of idea
where the system is going to get the information it needs to do its
job and what it is going to do with it. This can often usefully
sketched out as a "data flow diagram". Look back at slides
from week 1 to get a feel for what data flow diagrams
look like. Don't copy those, though -- just use the idea as a way
of organizing your thoughts about what the system will do in a way
that makes it possible to draw a useful diagram or two that you can
talk about with words.
- Scope: What you do and don't plan to deliver. Up until now you
have been writing about what is needed so solve the problem that you
have chosen to work on. But you'll need to make some choices about
which parts you're really going to build if you're going to have any
hope of finishing before the end of the semester! There are three key
factors to consider here:
- Your team. How many people do you have, what do they already
know how to do, and what do they want to learn how to do? Don't
overlook that last point when you make your choices--shape your
project to focus on what you most want to learn about!
- Coherence. With limited time, you could either do a few things
well (and fake the rest) or you could try to do many things but do
none of them well. The right way to go here should be pretty clear --
pick some key parts of the problem to focus on. In order to do this,
you'll need to know which parts you can "fake" (which, in polite
company, is called "simulate"). For example, you might want to search
the entire Web the Web, but for simplicity you might use a set of Web
pages that someone else has put together for you.
Note that you don't need to write about those factors -- rather, those
factors should guide what you write about scope. Just describe which
parts of your vision you actually plan to focus on and which you plan
to simulate. Don't worry too much about this part -- if things go
well, you can always do more (and if things turn out to be more
complex than you had imagined, you'll already have some experience
with making these kinds of choices). So don't spend more than a half
page on this. Indeed, a few bullet points may be all that you really
need. Students often observe, correctly, that they don't yet know
enough to make the right choices about how much of the problem to
tackle. One good rule of thumb for this is that you can probably do
about half what you first think might be possible (because it is
easier to see opportunities than obstacles when you are first starting
out). Obviously that can be taken to extremes (particularly if you
are a pessimist!), but the key here is just to make an initial guess
of how much you can do, and then shape your choices about
what to do to make the most of your time and effort.
One big risk in any course project is that you'll focus on building
what you know how to (or can figure out how to) build. If you do this
system design well, you'll have a good chance of building something
that someone will actually want to use, and more importantly you'll
have a way of focusing your effort on learning what you need to know
to solve a real problem.
Doing this kind of a design well requires that you stay out of the
weeds and work at a level where you can see the big picture. Details
can be seductive, and if you let them draw you down to too low a level
you run the risk of designing the wrong thing well. Better to design
the right thing incompletely. You'll get to the details soon enough
-- the entire implementation process is essentially progressive
refinement of your design.
It is important that your whole team contribute to this process,
because this shared vision is one of the key things that will hold you
together as a team. But it is not important that the document be
written by the group. Indeed, it is probably best if one person takes
the lead on pulling together the document, with several others
contributing pieces and with everyone commenting and critiquing.
Naturally, that process will go best if you don't leave it till the
last minute.
The document you submit (by posting it on your Web page) will be read
and returned with comments and with a grade. Don't read too much into
the grade, though -- all I can hope to grade at this point is whether
you addressed the things I asked you to (I will not be grading your
drawing skills!). But the most important impact of this part of your
project will be the role it plays in helping you to focus your efforts.
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