Research Interest
The aim of my research is to enhance the productivity of programmers by giving them better tools.Topics: design and implementation of domain-specific languages, compiler optimization, desktop grids, object-oriented languages, software engineering tools, and embedded systems programming tools.
- h-index: 22. g-index: 33.
- Publications by year
- Publications by type
- Publications in LSU PS-36 order
- Publications from DBLP
- Resume
Research Projects
- TCE: language/tool support for scientific computation
- Middleware and scheduling for cloud and desktop grid computing
- Social media data mining and optimization
- Brew: language/tool support for object-oriented programming
- A virtual testbed for embedded systems programming
- CSC 1351: Introduction to Computer Science II for Majors
- CSC 4101: Programming Languages
- CSC 4351: Compiler Construction
- CSC 7101: Programming Language Structures
- CSC 7351: Advanced Compiler Design Theory
- CSC 7700: Virtualization
Workshop Organization
- POHLL 2007: Performance Optimization via High-level Languages and Libraries
- LCPC 2006: Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
- POHLL 2006: Performance Optimization via High-level Languages and Libraries
- LCPC 2005:
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
Proceedings: LNCS Vol. 4339, Springer-Verlag, 2006. - POHLL 2002: Performance Optimization via High-level Languages and Libraries
- MSPLS Series: Midwest Society for Programming Languages and Systems