"A Depot Location Model for Electric Power Restoration"

Proceedings of the 25-th Inter'l Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering,
New Orleans, LA, March, pp. 507-510, 1999.

by Wang, S., B.R. Sarker, L. Mann, Jr., and E. Triantaphyllou

The purpose of this research is to develop a depot location model to manage the resources needed for restoring power efficiently and economically to an area affected by a disaster. The problem simultaneously locates depots and determines the amounts of the resources shipped from the depots to each point of demand to satisfy the demand of the various locations in order to minimize the total transportation cost. A mathematical model is developed on an incremental basis as the problems become complex. The results show that the optimal model can be used in power restoration management. For a large size problem, a two-phase heuristic is developed.

Key Words:
Power restoration, depot location, linear integer programming.

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