Create a database for an elementary school library which contains at least the following information:
Enter the appropriate information for at least 10 students and 10 books into the database and arrange it so that exactly 5 of the books are charged out, 3 of them to the same student. At least two of your books must have the same title (but be different books), and at least two of your students must have the same name (yes, same first name, middle name, and last name! but, of course, be different students!).
Construct two queries. The first should show the title of each book that is charged out, the name of the student to whom it is charged out, and the due date. The second query should simply show the name of each student at the school. Please do NOT retrieve more information (i.e., fields) than specified in the queries.
Many of the things you will need to decide when designing your database have not been specified in this assignment. For example, the form of a student's name (e.g., first and last, nickname, middle initial, etc.) has not been specified. Nor has the maximum length of a book's title. You may make any reasonable decisions about things which are not specified in this assignment.
Please name your database file as LastName_FirstName_HW5, then post your database (i.e., the tables and two queries in one database file) on your homework Web page (7008.html) by making a link from "Homework 5" to your database file, before class on the date that this assignment is due. Please make a note on your Web page which software - Microsoft Access 2000-2003, Microsoft Access 2007, OpenOffice, etc. - you use to create the database.
The basic steps for using Microsoft Access are addressed in the slides for this class. Regardless of the specific software you use to create a database, the basic steps are generally the same: create a database, create tables, define fields, create records by inputing data, create relationships, then create queries and run the queries. There are a lot of tutorials for Microsoft Access and OpenOffice on the Internet. See the syllabus page for some of the tutorials. I have not looked at any tutorials for OpenOffice yet, but you can find them for yourself.
A: two options:
A: MS-Office is available from LSU Tigerware.
My answer: In order to remain data integrity, databases define the types of data. For instance, if the StudentID in Table1 is a "string" type, and the StudentID in Table2 is a "number" type, when you want to relate the two fields, the DBMS reports a "type mismatch" error. So to correct such a mistake, you need to go back to the structures of the both tables, and check the types of the two fields to make sure their types match.
A student's answer: I think it had something to do with the automatic numbering. I changed the "Autonumbers" to "Numbers" and my query worked perfectly thereafter.
A: Probably you have defined different data types for the same entity/field. It is the same problem as "type mismatch in query" discussed above.
A: There are three possibilities that causes the problem: (1) very likely you dragged the database file to the wrong area on the Filezilla screen; (2) you tried to upload before a successful connection has been made. Sometimes it takes several seconds to make a connection because the server is hibernating. (3) the server administrator did not assign a "write permission" to your account (which is very unlikely because you could upload your earlier homework).
Designating a wrong primary or foreign key. A primary key is a unique identifier of an entity (i.e., this table). A foreign key is a unique identifier of another entity (i.e., another table related to this table). For instance, StudentID is a primary key of the Student table; StudentName is not.
Duplicating a field (an attribute) in this table, which belongs to another table. For instance, some students assigned StudentName as an attribute of the Book table. One strength of RDBMS is to relate two tables to avoid the duplication of fields in the two tables. If you did not relate (link) your tables in the querying stage, you had made a mistake in your design.
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