CSc 4101 Programming Languages
Fall 2007
Course: Tues & Thurs 1:40-3:00 PM Coates 236
Instructor: Donald H. Kraft Office: 286 Coates Phone: 578-2253
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 2:00-3:30 pm . Tues-Thurs 3:00:-4:30 pm
Email: Web:
Grader: Alfred Samman Email: Phone: (225)
Required Text: R.W. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, 8th edition, Addison-Wesley, 2007 (
Recommended References:
Scott, Programming Language Pragmatics, 2nd edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2006
Tucker and
Noonan, Programming Languages Principles
and Paradigms, 2nd
edition, McGraw-Hill
Wilensky, Common LISPcraft, Norton, 1986
Prolog: Programming for Artificial
Intelligence, 3rd edition,
Wesley, 2001
Horstmann, Big Java, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2008
G.I. Steele, “Growing a Language,” OOPSLA ’98, ACM, 1998
H.G. Baker, “I have a Feeling We’re Not in Emerald City Anymore,” ACM
SIGPLAN Notices, v. 32, n. 4, April 1997
R.P. Gabriel and R. Goldman, “Mob Software: The Erotic Life of Code,”
OOPSLA ’00, ACM, 2000
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE Computer
Society have journals and proceedings with good articles on programming languages (e.g., ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems) and ACM/SIGPLAN Notices)
Useful Links:
Credit: 3 hours Prerequisites: CSc 3102
Course Catalog Description: Principles of programming language design; specification of syntax and semantics; underlying implementation of block structured languages; dynamic memory allocation for strings, lists, and arrays; imperative versus applicative programming; logic programming; modern programming languages and algorithmic analysis.
Course Outcomes: Master using syntax-related concepts, including context-free grammars, parse trees, recursive descent parsing, printing, and interpretation; master analyzing semantic issues associated with function implementation, including variable binding, scoping rules, parameter passing, and exception handling; master implementation techniques for interpreted functional languages; master using object-oriented and functional languages; be familiar with design issues of object-oriented and functional languages; be familiar with language abstraction constructs of classes, interfaces, packages, and procedures; be familiar with implementation of object-oriented languages; be familiar with using functional languages; be exposed to using logic languages.
Programming and Projects 30%
Hard copy if possible, if late up to 3 days then lose 10 points/day
Research Paper 25%
Midterm examination 20%
Final examination - Wednesday, December 12 5:30-7:30 PM 20%
Participation 5%
Grading Scale: For
undergraduate students: 85-100 A, 75-84 B,
65-74 C, 55-64 D, below 55 F. For graduate students: 90-100 A, 80-89 B,
70-79 C, 60-69 D, below 60 F.
Exams – the midterm examination will be over the material covered in the first half of the semester; the final examination will be comprehensive but will emphasize the material covered in the second half of the semester.
Paper – all students must write a short (ten pages or so, but do not take that number literally), research paper along the lines of a bibliographic essay on some aspect of programming languages. The paper should describe a concept and relay the state of the art in terms of the programming language topic chosen. In other words, do not provide a tutorial; rather, focus on research. The choices of topics must be approved by the instructor by the end of the third week of the semester. The paper is due by the end of the twelfth week of the semester. Also, do not simply concatenate several abstracts from papers, and do not rely solely on textbooks; rather, weave a pattern in terms of what research is going on with the topic selected. This should be based upon the open literature in the filed, especially in terms of journal articles, conference proceedings articles, and even web sites if needed. Do not forget to list your references and cite them in the paper. Most importantly, do not copy entire sections of your sources, especially if you do not cite them. It is academically, as well as intellectually, dishonest and violators will be caught and prosecuted. Sample topics for this research paper include: special purpose languages (e.g., concurrency, design – such as UML, or functional programming – such as Haskell), net languages (e.g., HTML, SGML, VRML, Perl, Python, PHP, XML), application oriented languages (e.g., Visual Basic, other visual languages, Javascript, SQL), relatively new and interesting languages (e.g., C#, Ruby, ML), new environments (e.g., .NET), special features (e.g., data abstraction, exception handling), comparative studies (e.g., AWK versus Snobol, Scheme vs. Lisp vs. ML, Python vs. Perl), or modern issues in programming language translation. Try to avoid the standard languages (e.g., Fortran, Cobol, Pascal, C, C++, Java, Prolog, or Lisp) as these will be discussed in class to some extent. For students taking this course for graduate credit, a second paper is due at the same time as the first paper (the topic, which must be different than the first paper’s topic, is also due at the same time as the first paper’s topic) and should be more detailed with even more emphasis on research issues.
Assignments – late homework, programs and project
will not be accepted. Makeup
exams will not be given.
Exceptional cases, such as illness or accidents, will be handled on an
individual basis (the instructor must be notified prior to the test of
the problem and proof presented – otherwise a score of zero will be given). Students will have three class days from the
date an assignment (homework, program, project, exam) is returned to seek
corrections on the grading; after that, no changes will be made to the
grade. All programs must conform to the
guidelines in the CSC Program Requirements Guide. Programs must be done by the individual
student unless the assignment is given as a group project, in which case
collaboration across groups is prohibited.
All cases of plagiarism or collaboration on assignments or exams will be
treated as academic dishonesty.
Homework problems may be assigned from time to time in class. Written answers are due at the beginning of
the class period on the due date given.
The homework grades will be part of the participation portion of your
final grade.
Students are responsible for
knowing all information presented in class and materials assigned for
self-reading. The students are strongly
encouraged to ask questions in and out of class. It is recommended that students keep copies
of all the submitted materials. It is
important that students observe the student conduct code in doing works in this
course. Self study through reading the
material BEFORE (and after) class and completing all the homeworks and project
is very important for learning in this course. Topics:
Preliminaries Chap. 1
design, implementation, environment
History Chap. 2
plankalkul, pseudocode, Fortran, Cobol, Algol, Pascal, Lisp,
Basic, C, C++, Ruby, APL, Snobol, C#, Modula, block
structured languages, Java, markup languages, graphical
languages, Raptor
Formal languages Chaps. 3,4
Compilers, syntax, semantics, lexical and syntactical
Identifiers Chap. 5
Names, binding, type checking, scope
Data types Chap. 6
Statement level control Chap. 7
Expressions, assignment
Mid-term Exam
Subprograms Chaps. 8-10
Arguments, implementation, run-time stack
Data Abstraction Chap. 11
Object oriented programming languages Chap. 12, Horstmann
– C++, Smalltalk,
Functional Programming Chap. 15, Wilensky
Lisp, Scheme, FP, ML, Haskell
Logic Programming – Prolog Chap 16, Bratko
Symmetric/concurrent programming Chap. 13
Exception Handling Chap. 14
String languages – AWK -
Final Exam 2/12
5:30-7:30 pm
CSc 4101 Programming Assignments
(Due dates may be revised during the semester)
1. Due 9/11 Consider the issue of
compound interest. Let P = the principle
= the present value, n = years of investment (or loan), i = annual interest
rate (expressed as a decimal), m = number of time periods in a year, S = the
future value, and R = the payment rate.
These variables are related as follows:
S/P = compound amount = single payment future value =
P/S = single payment present worth factor = (1+i/m)-n*m
S/R = uniform series compound amount factor = [(1+1/m)n*m-1]/(i/m)
R/S = uniform series sinking fund factor = (i/m)/[(1+1/m)n*m-1]
P/R = uniform series present worth factor =
R/P = uniform series
capital recovery factor =
For example, a loan of P
= $50,000 for n = 10 years at interest rate i = 0.08 (8%) can be repaid with a
monthly (m = 12) of R dollars, where R is calculated using the R/P formula
above. Note that the total money paid is
R*n*m but the worth of the money at the end of the loan is S (calculated using
the S/P formula above).
a program, in the programming language of your choice, that allows one to enter
all but two of the variables (n, i, m, P, R, S) and calculate one or both of
the other variables. Note that one can
calculate P given R, n, I, and m in a straightforward manner as the case with
calculating R given P, n, i, and m or with calculating S given R, n, i, and
m. However, it may be more difficult,
perhaps even involving root finding or trial and error methods, for solving for
n or m or i, given the other variables.
For example, with the loan data given in the example above, we need to
calculate R. Now, suppose that the
borrower wishes to refinance that loan over n = 20 years, still with a monthly
(m = 12) payment, but needs to know what interest rate he/she can presume so
that the monthly payments are half what they were before (R/2). – we need to
calculate i.
2. Due 9/25 Redo assignment 1 with at
least one of your functions, perhaps the exponentiation function, being
recursive (i.e., using recursion).
3. Due 10/25 Redo assignment 2 with the
recursive function replaced by manipulation of the user-created run-time stack.
4. Due 11/8 Redo assignment 1 in Lisp,
or a similar functional programming language (e.g., Scheme).
5. Due 11/29 Redo assignment 1 in
6. Due 12/4 Redo assignment 1 in Java
(either as a regular program or as an applet).
Project – Homeworks 7-10 Due 12/4 –
Boolean Query Parse Tree For this project, you must implement a mechanism to create
and output a parse tree for a Boolean query for a search engine. First, to understand Boolean queries,
consider any input to a standard search engine, perhaps a web search engine
such as Google. The input query will
consist of a series of keywords (which may be a single term such as “jobs” or
consist of multiple terms such as “knowledge management systems”) along with
the Boolean (logical) operators (AND, OR, and NOT). For example, “fuzzy” AND “information
retrieval” AND NOT “probability”. While
you need not worry about errors (bad queries such as “dogs AND) but you may not
assume that queries are in normal form (neither conjunctive nor disjunctive
normal form). Your mechanism must input
a series of Boolean queries. Then, for
each query, identify the Boolean (logical) operators (AND, OR, and NOT), as well as any open or closed parentheses,
parse that query, determine the parse tree for that query, and output that
parse tree. An object-oriented approach,
and perhaps an object oriented programming language, is recommended.
any tool that processes text, your mechanism needs to do lexical analysis and
parsing, which implies storing the input in some internal data structures. This mechanism should incorporate the
following components, a lexical analyzer that splits the input text into
tokens, a parser that analyzes the structure of the input query and builds a
parse tree (a recursive descent parser is recommended), and a parse-tree
traversal that outputs the parse tree.
lexical analyzer should input and break down the query into individual terms or
operators. These terms or operators are
then represented as tokens and passed
to the parser. Your lexical analyzer
needs to do the following: i) discard white space (blanks, tabs, newline,
carriage-return, and form-feed characters); ii) discard comments (everything on
a line to the right of the semicolon ending the query to the enc of the line);
iii) recognize open and closing parentheses; iv) recognize the Boolean (logical
operators (AND, OR, and NOT); v) recognize the terms in the query. You should also be concerned with whether or
not your mechanism can distinguish between upper and lower case characters in
the terms or in the operators. It is
therefore recommended that it is simpler if you convert all tokens to
parser gets tokens from the lexical analyzer and analyzes the syntactic
structure of the token stream. Since
Boolean queries have a simple grammar, using a recursive descent parser should
not be too difficult.
Administratively, you
can work in teams (2-3 students per team is recommended). Moreover, an “extreme programming” style,
with one person sitting in front of the computer screen with at least one other
team member suggests what is to be entered.
When turning in your program(s), provide a brief explanation how your
program was designed, what works, and what doesn’t as part of your external
documentation. It is noteworthy that
perhaps the hardest parts of the project are understanding the data structures
and understanding the object oriented programming. To make this project easier, look at the
lexical analyzer and the token data structure first, implementing the analyzer
afterwards. Still later, you can add the
parse tree data structure and write the parser and output components. Note that an input file of queries will be
given to you after the midterm exam.
Program 1. Due 12/6
Redo assignment one in Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP, or XML (or another language if
approved by your instructor). A good
front end is required for using your program for full bonus credit. This can be done in a team of 2-3 students.
Program 2. Due 12/6
Write an AWK program to count the number of times each word is used in a given
text file and test it on a file to given to you. However, you must ignore words given in a
stopword list, also to be given to you.
This can be done in a team of 2-3 students.
Good luck!