Information Retrieval Systems Homework 1
Try out three search systems from the list below and, for each,
answer the questions that follow the list of systems. Be sure to try
several types of searches (e.g., your personal interest, imagined
academic or professional information needs, searches you see in Web
logs, etc.) and to explore both basic and advanced search feautres
(when the system provides multiple modes).
Here are the questions:
- How easy is it to learn to use the system?
- How useful would the system be in the hands of a subject matter
expert that is not a professional searcher? Please include in your discussion who
a subject matter might be.
- How useful would the system be in the hands of a professional
searcher that is not a subject matter expert?
- How well can the user control the balance between
comprehensiveness (recall) and the elimination of unwanted documents
- How well are you able to determine what the system does and does
not make available for you to find? In other words, after you
have completed a search, do you have a good feel for how
comprehensive your search really was?
You can take either a comparative (System A is better than System B
for question 2) or absolute (System A was suitable for tasks a and b,
but not c) approach to constructing your answer -- whichever style you
prefer. Grading of this assignment will be done holistically, based
on whether you uncovered interesting issues that could help to guide
your exploration of system design issues this semester. This exercise
should take you 2-3 hours, including writing up your answers to the
You should submit your assignment by creating a Web page
for this course (anywhere you like, most students will probably use
their own Web accounts; if you do not have a Web
account, please email me your preferred userid and password, and I will create a Web account on
my class server), posting your assignment there, and sending the URL by email to
the instructor. Unless you request otherwise, your URL will be made
publicly available on the course Web page after the due date for the
assignment (so that you can all see everyone's reactions).
Acknoledgement to Doug Oard (LBSC 796/INFM 718R, Fall 2007).