Louisiana State University
School of Library and Information Science & Department of Computer Science

CSC7481 /LIS 7610 - Information Retrieval Systems
Fall 2012 - Section 01

This page contains instructional resources for the students in section 01 of LIS7610/CSC7481. Information may change until the course begins.

Section Days Time (P.M.) Classroom
01 Tuesday 2:30-5:20 205 Coates Hall
(Quadrangle side of Coates Hall)
Course Description
Descriptions of course goals, instructional staff and their office hours, classroom utilization, required and recommended materials, corequisites, and grading procedures for the course.
An overview of the material to be covered in each session, the readings for that session, homework assignments and their due dates, and links to the slides presented in class each week.
Final Exam
Information about the final exam. Some actual exams that were given in previous semesters at UMCP are also available.
Information Retrieval Resources
Links to sources of IR systems, papers describing IR research, and some IR research groups. You can find even more resources by following links from some of these pages.
Other Information Retrieval Courses
Web pages for information retrieval courses at other institutions that may take a different perspective on the subject.

Yejun Wu
Last modified: August 16 2012