LIS 7410 - Digital Libraries
Spring 2009 -- Section 01
Homework Assignment 2 (Research Track)

Survey Paper

The survey paper examines a particular aspect of digital libraries or their applications. You will have to read at least four papers of high quality and write a paper that not only summarizes the papers' contributions but also clearly differentiates each paper's strengths and weaknesses. Do not forget to cite what you quote. This can be a separate exercise, but you are highly recommended to incorporate this exercise into your term project so that you can save some time.

Your survey paper should be no longer than six single-column, single-spaced pages. The more concise you are at summarizing the points, the more likely that you'll receive a higher grade for the class.

Once you've chosen an area for your survey paper, the instructor will help suggest two to three references that you can start with. You can decide whether to accept the suggested papers and to supplement/replace the papers to round out your survey.

The following is the past grading criteria. A smilar criteria will be applied to this semester's survey papers although the points for each criteria may vary.

Total: [100 points]

- Objective Part [75 points]
  - Knowledge of papers [50 points]
  - Presentation [17 points]
      - Organization of papers into hierarchy:
      - Definition of terms on first use:
      - Introduction and Conclusion (Encapsulation):
      - Abstract and indexing helpfulness:
  - Succinctness [5 points]
  - Writing and citation style [3 points]

-Critical Part [25 points]
  - Future trends [10 points]
  - Critique of papers [15 points]

The following are a list of topics for the survey paper and some suggested readings for the survey. If you have a topic of your own interest, please discuss it with the instructor. Please note that as some of the topics below are very broad, you may have to choose only a subset of the suggested readings to build your survey paper around. Many of the readings suggested here come from recent conferences, so it will require you to read background work. Remember that the four paper requirements is a minimum; you may have to read many more than four to get a coherent overview of the topic.

You are recommended to search papers from journals (such as JASIST, IP&M, IJDL), conferences (such as JCDL, ECDL, ICADL, ACM SIGIR, ACL, WWW, ASIST), and digital libraries (such as ACM DL, IEEE CS DL). Currently LSU does not have organizational access to the ACM Digital Library. If you need to download a specific paper from the ACM DL, please let the instructor know.

Note that the references below simply serve indicative purposes; they do not share a consistent style and are not error-free, but I expect you to implement a consistent style (such as the ACM style) in your survey report.

Acknowledgement to Min-Yen Kan.

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Yejun Wu