Louisiana State University
School of Library and Information Science

LIS 7410 - Digital Libraries
Spring 2009 - Section 01

This page contains instructional resources for the students in section 01 of LIS 7410. Information may change until the course begins.

Section Days Time (P.M.) Classroom
01 Tuesdays 5:40-8:30 169 Coates Hall
Course Description
A description of course goals, instructional staff and their office hours, classroom utilization, required and recommended materials, and grading procedures for the course.
An overview of the material to be covered in each session and the reading and homework assignments.
Homework Assignments and Project Information
Specific homework assignments and information about the class project can be found here. Helpful hints in response to common questions may also appear here from time to time, so it is worth checking back occassionally.
Resources for learning and studying digital libraries.

Yejun Wu