LIS 7008 - Information Technologies
Summer 2014 - Section 01
Assignment 3
This homework is due on your course web site before the beginning of next class session.
Partial credit may be awarded.
This is a Web design assignment, so must be posted on the Web, that is, email attachments of
html and image files will not be accepted/graded. If you still have an unsolved FileZilla problem, please refer to
the updated FileZilla
Create a personal Web page. This page MUST be hosted on
so that we can find it, and it MUST appear at the URL:
where "your_folder" is your first initial followed by your last name, all in lower case.
You do not need to email your URL to the instructor, but please
make no further modifications to your hw3.html file for three days
after the assignment is due.
Your page must contain at least the following:
- Your name and your email address (you may want to replace @
with {at} or {a-t} to make life more difficult for spammers).
- A few paragraphs of text describing aspects of your academic
background, your goals of taking LIS 7008.
- An image. Preferably your photo, but any image of anything you like is acceptable (if you do not
want me to recognize you on campus or anywhere :-)).
- An HTML list (ordered or unordered list) of the classes you have taken so far (or are taking) in your MLIS program.
Note: please read the text or search on the Web if you do not know what the ordered/unordered list here means.
- A link to our course Web site
- The date and time of your last update to the page.
Note: you can either write a simple line of text for this, or use a Javascript function if you know what it is.
In addition to these requirements, your page will be graded for style,
compliance with the HTML standards, and spelling.
You may find the following reference to be useful:
The HTML quick list explains what each tag does, but you will need to
have a good idea of what you want to do to avoid getting lost in the
detail. There are also useful resources on the course syllabus Web page.
This is a good opportunity to create your own Web page if you don't
have one already. You may include as much additional material as you
like, but only the requirements listed here will be graded. If you
want to make changes for your own purposes, you should make a copy called
hw3_copy.html and make changes to that copy and not the hw3.html file.
Common problems reported by previous students:
- Problem: the browser displayed a blank Web page and showed "done" at the bottom.
Solution: Very likely the TITLE and/or HEAD tag(s) were not closed. Check other tags that are supposed to be closed.
- Problem: my image did not show up on the browser.
Reason: either you have not uploaded the image to the server, or you have put a wrong path to the image (or a wrong image
filename) in the src link.
- You must refer to an image that is already on the server. You cannot refer to an image that sits on your
local computer. It is wrong to use <img src="C://..." />.
- Check the case-sensitivity of the image filename and its extension: cat.JPG is different from cat.jpg, cat.jpg, or cat.jpeg.
Also remove any empty space in any filename. A filename like "cat 2.jpg" is to be referred by browsers
as "cat%202.jpg". So it is a good idea to rename "cat 2.jpg" as "cat2.jpg", "cat-2.jpg", or "cat_2.jpg".
Please do not put leading empty spaces in a filename.
Leading empty spaces in a filename (such as " hw3.html") may cause FileZilla unable to find the file when you want to delete it.
- Check the path of the image file. If under your root directory, you have "hw3.html" and "cat2.jpg", you can use
<img src="cat2.jpg" />. If under your root directory, you have "hw3.html" and a sub-direcotory called "images"
under which "cat2.jpg" stays, you should use <img src="images/cat2.jpg".
Grading rubric:
- +10: Task 1 (your name and email address; +5 each)
- +10: Task 2 (your background and goals of taking LIS 7008; +5 each)
- +20: Task 3 (your photo)
- +20: Task 4 (HMTL ordered or unordered list)
- +15: Task 5 (a link to our course Web site)
- +10: Task 6 (date and time of your last update)
- +15: style, compliance with the HTML standards, and spelling
Acknowledgement to Doug Oard (revised by Yejun Wu)
Last modified: 06/18/2014 13:06:45