LIS 7008 - Information Technologies
Fall 2009 - Section 01
Assignment 2

This homework is due on your course web site before the beginning of next class session. Partial credit may be awarded.

As a reference librarian or information user, sometimes you want to find authoritative information on the Web for users or for yourself. The purpose of this exercise is to learn the techniques for identifying who is responsible for the content of a Web page.

I have encountered an interesting Web page at, and would like to know more about the people or the organization that are responsible for the content on this site. We know at least five ways to find out who really runs a site, so lets give them a try:

The homework assignment is to use all of these techniques to determine who is responsible for the content that you see on the site given above. Describe what you find using each of the five techniques in an html file (name it as FirstName_LastName_hw2.html, such as John_Smith_hw2.html), also discuss possible causes for the inconsistencies that you discover. Post the html file on your web site, then email the instructor the URL for accessing your html file. Do not revise that file for 3 days. Reminder: your URL is in this format: where your_folder is your first initial followed by your last name, all in lower case. For instance, John Smith's folder is jsmith.
Acknowledgment to Doug Oard.