Seung-Jong Park's Publications
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By type
(Reverse chronological order)
"Libra: Harvesting Idle Resources Safely and Timely in Serverless Clusters", Hanfei Yu, Christian
Fontenot, Hao Wang, Jian Li, Xu Yuan, Seung-Jong Park, to be appeared in the proceeding of The 32nd
ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (ACM HPDC), Orlando,
Florida, United States, June 2023.
"Accelerating Serverless Computing by Harvesting Idle Resources", Hanfei Yu, Hao
Wang, Jian Li, Xu Yuan, Seung-Jong Park, in the proceeding of the ACM WEB (formerly known as International World Wide Web Conference) 2022, Lyon, France, April 2022.
"Harvesting Idle Resources in Serverless Computing via Reinforcement Learning", Hanfei Yu, Hao Wang, Jian Li,
Seung-Jong Park, arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.12717, 2021.
"Distributed de novo assembler for large-scale long-read datasets,"
Sayan Goswami, Kisung Lee, and Seung-Jong Park,
the IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2020.
"Shallow Subsurface Environmental Remediation by Using Tracer-Surfactant-Foam
Processes: History-Matching and Performance Prediction,"
H. Fleifel, M. Izadi, Seung-Jong Park, I. Gupta, G.S. Lee, and S.I. Kam,
the Journal of Transport in Porous Media, p. 223-250, Vol. 131, Issue 1, 2020.
"An OpenMP-based Parallel Execution of Neural Networks Specified in NNEF,"
Nakhoon Baek, Seung-Jong Park,
20th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), 2020.
"Social and geographical disparities in Twitter use during Hurricane Harvey,"
Lei Zou, Nina S. N. Lam, Shayan Shams, Heng Cai, Michelle A. Meyer, Seungwon
Yang, Kisung Lee, Seung-Jong Park & Margaret A. Reams,
International Journal of Digital Earth, 12:11, 1300-1318,
DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2018.1545878.
"A hybrid and scalable error correction algorithm for indel and substitution
errors of long reads,"
Arghya Das, Sayan Goswami, Kisung Lee, Seung-Jong Park,
BMC Genomics 20, 948, 2019,
"ParLECH: Parallel Long-read Error Correction with Hadoop,"
Arghya Kusum Das, Kisung Lee and Seung-Jong Park,
The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM),
regular paper acceptance rate: 19.2%,
Madrid, Spain, Dec, 2018.
"Deep Generative Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis," Shayan Shams, Richard
Platania, Jian Zhang, Joohyun Kim, Seung-Jong Park,
in the proceeding of the 21st International Conference on Medical Image
Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Granada, Spain, 2018.
"Towards Distributed Cyberinfrastructure for Smart Cities using Big Data and Deep Learning Technologies," Shayan Shams, Sayan Goswami, Kisung Lee, Seungwon Yang, Seung-Jong Park, in the proceeding of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS2018, July 2 - 5, 2018, Vienna, Austria
"GPU-Accelerated Large-Scale Genome Assembly," Sayan Goswami, Kisung Lee, Shayan
Shams and Seung-Jong Park, in the proceeding of the IEEE International Parallel
& Distributed Processing Symposium (IEEE IPDPS), 2018, Vancouver, British
Columbia CANADA.
"A Distributed Semi-Supervised Platform for DNase-Seq Data Analytics using Deep
Generative Convolutional Networks,"
Shayan Shams, Richard Platania, Joohyun Kim, Jian Zhang, Kisung Lee, Seungwon
Yang, Seung-Jong Park, 9th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB),
Washington DC, Aug, 2018.
"Automated Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Deep Learning and Region of Interest Detection (BC-DROID),"
Richard Platania, Shayan Shams, Seungwon Yang, Jian Zhang, Kisung Lee,
Seung-Jong Park, in the proceeding of the 8th ACM Conference on
Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB), 2017,
Boston MA, USA.
"Augmenting Amdahl's Second Law: A Theoretical Model to Build Cost-Effective
Balanced HPC Infrastructure for Data-Driven Science,"
Arghya Kusum Das, Jaeki Hong, Sayan Goswami, Richard Platania, Kisung Lee,
Wooseok Chang, Seung-Jong Park, Ling Liu,
in the proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing
(CLOUD) 2017, Honolulu, USA.
"Evaluation of Deep Learning Frameworks over Different HPC Architectures,"
Shayan Shams, Richard Platania, Kisung Lee and Seung-Jong Park,
in the proceeding of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems (ICDCS 2007), Atlanta, USA, 2017.
"Coflourish: An SDN-Assisted Coflow Scheduling Framework for Clouds,"
Chui-Hui Chiu, Dipak Kumar Singh, Qingyang Wang, Seung-Jong Park,
in the proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing
(CLOUD) 2017, Honolulu, USA.
"Minimal Coflow Routing and Scheduling in OpenFlow-based Cloud Storage Area
Chui-Hui Chiu, Dipak Kumar Singh, Qingyang Wang, Kisung Lee, Seung-Jong Park,
in the proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing
(CLOUD) 2017,
Honolulu, USA.
"Lazer: Distributed Memory-Efficient Assembly of Large-Scale Genomes,"
Sayan Goswami, Arghya Kusum Das, Richard Platania, Kisung Lee, and Seung-Jong
in the proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE
BigData), 2016.
"Hadoop-based replica exchange over heterogeneous distributed
Richard Platania, Shayan Shams, Chui-Hui Chiu, Nayong Kim, Joohyun Kim,
Seung-Jong Park,
in the journal of Concurrency and computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley
2016, doi: 10.1002/cpe.3878.
"Giraph-based Genome Assembler for Gigabase Scale Genomes,"
Praveen Kumar Kondikoppa, Arghya Kusum Das, Sayan Goswami, Richard Platania,
Seung-Jong Park,
in the proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology (BICoB), pp.55-62, Las Vegas, USA, 2016.
"Towards Fair and Low Latency Next Generation High Speed Networks: AFCD
Lin Xue, Suman kumar, Chui-Hui Chiu, Seung-Jong Park,
in the journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, Vol 70, Issue C,
pp. 183-193, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.jnca.2016.03.021.
"BIC-LSU: Big Data Research Integration with Cyberinfrastructure for LSU,"
Chui-hui Chiu, Nathan Lewis, Dipak Kumar Singh, Arghya Kusum Das, Mohammad M
Jalazai, Richard Platania, Sayan Goswami, Kisung Lee, Seung-Jong Park,
in the proceeding of the 2016 XSEDE Conference (XSEDE16), Miami, FL, USA, 2016.
"Evaluating Different Distributed Cyber-Infrastructure for Data and Compute
Intensive Scientific Applications",
Arghya Kusum Das*, Seung-Jong Park, Jaeki Hong, Wooseok Chang,
in the proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData
2015), 2015
"Enabling Large-scale Biomolecular Conformation Search with Replica Exchange
Statistical Temperature Molecular Dynamics (RESTMD) over HPC and Cloud Computing
Nayong Kim, Richard Platania*, Tom Keyes, Wei Huang, Chris Knight, Seung-Jong
Park, Joohyun Kim,
in the proceeding of the 8th International Workshop on Bio and Intelligent
Computing (BiCOM-2015), Korea, 2015.
"FaLL: a Fair and Low Latency Queuing Scheme for Data Center Networks,"
Lin Xue*, Chui-Hui Chiu*, Suman Kumar*, Praveenkumar Kondikoppa*, Seung-Jong
Park, in the Proceeding of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and
Communications, (ICNC), 2015.
"Experimenting Big Data Applications for Genome Sequence Assembly over
Arghya Kusum Das*, Praveenkumar Kondikoppa*, Seung-Jong Park,
in the Proceeding of the NSFCloud Workshop on Experimental Support for Cloud
Computing, VA 2014.
"MapReduce based Parallel Suffix Tree Construction for Human Genome,"
Praveenkumar Kondikoppa*, Umesh Chandra*, Seung-Jong Park, Manish Patil and
Rahul Shah,
in the proceeding of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Systems (ICPADS), pp.664-670, Taiwan, Dec 2014.
"MapReduce-based RESTMD: Enabling Large-scale Sampling Tasks with Distributed
HPC Systems”, Praveenkumar Kondikoppa, Richard Platania, Seung-Jong Park, Shuju
Bai, Tom Keyes and Jaegil Kim, Nayong Kim, and Joohyun Kim, in the proceeding of
International Workshop for Science Gateways 2014.
"Impact of Loss Synchronization on Reliable High Speed Networks: A Model Based
Simulation," Suman Kumar, Lin Xue, and Seung-Jong Park, Journal of Computer
Networks and Communications, vol. 2014, Article ID 795489, 12 pages, 2014,
"DMCTCP: Desynchronized Multi-Channel TCP for High Speed Access Networks with
Tiny Buffers,"
Cheng Cui, Lin Xue, Chui-Hui Chiu, Praveenkumar Kondikoppa, Seung-Jong Park,
in proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communications and
Networks(ICCCN 2014), Shanghai, China, 2014.
"AFCD: An Approximated-Fair and Controlled-Delay Queuing for High Speed
Networks," Lin Xue, Suman Kumar, Cheng Cui, Praveenkumar Kondikoppa, Chui-Hui Chiu,
Seung-Jong Park, in proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks(ICCCN 2013), Nassau, Bahamas, 2013.
- "An MPI-enabled MapReduce framework for molecular dynamics
simulation applications"
Bai, S.; Khosravi, E.; Seung-Jong Park, 2013 IEEE International
Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM),
pp.1-3, 18-21 Dec. 2013
- "A Hadoop approach to advanced sampling algorithms in molecular
dynamics simulation on cloud computing"
Niu, Jin; Bai, S.; Khosravi, E.; Seung-Jong Park, 2013 IEEE
International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM),
pp.452-455, 18-21 Dec. 2013
- "Performance of REMD on cloud computing platform,"
Jin Niu, Shuju Bai, Ebrahim Khosravi, and Seung-Jong Park, 2013 MCBIOS
conference, April 5-6, Columbia, Missouri, 2013.
- "Approximate string matching by position restricted alignment,"
Manish Patil, Xuanting Cai, Sharma V. Thankachan, Rahul Shah, Seung-Jong
Park, David Foltz, EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 384-391, 2013.
- "Network-Aware Scheduling of MapReduce Framework on Distributed
Clusters over High Speed Networks," Praveenkumar Kondikoppa, Seung-Jong Park,
Chui-Hui Chiu, Cheng Cui and Lin Xue, Workshop on Cloud Services, Federation,
and the 8th Open Cirrus Summit, San Jose, USA. 2012.
- "An Evaluation of Fairness Among Heterogeneous TCP Variants Over 10Gbps
High-speed Networks", Lin Xue, Suman Kumar, Cheng Cui, Seung-Jong Park,
in proceedings of the 37th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
(LCN 2012), Clearwater, FL, 2012.
- "Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of Queue Management Schemes
on the Performance of High Speed TCPs in 10Gbps Network Environment," Lin Xue,
Cheng Cui, Suman Kumar, Seung-Jong Park, in the proceeding of the International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2012), Hawaii, USA,
- "Investigating combinatorial approaches in virtual screening on
human inducible 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (PFKFB3): A
case study for small molecule kinases," Robert B. Crochet, Michael C. Cavalier,
Minsuh Seo, Jeong Do Kim, Young-Sun Yim, Seung-Jong Park, and Yong-Hwan Lee, in
the Journal of Analytical Biochemistry, Elsevier, Volume 418, Issue 1, 2011,
- "A fluid-based simulation study: the effect of loss synchronization on
sizing buffers over 10Gbps high speed networks," Suman Kumar, Mohammed Azad, and Seung-Jong Park, at the proceeding of the 8th International Workshop on Protocols for Future, Large-scale & Diverse Network Transports (PFLDNeT), Lancaster, PA, 2010.
- "A Loss-Event Driven Scalable Fluid Simulation Method for High
Speed Networks ," Suman Kumar, Seung-Jong Park, and S. Sitharama Iyengar,
in the Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier, Volume 54, Issue 1, 2010, pp.112-132.
- "Congestion-Aware Topology Controls for Wireless Multi-hop Networks,"
Seung-Jong Park and R. Sivakumar, in the Journal of Ad-hoc Networks, Elsevier,
Volume 8, Issue 3, 2010, pp. 295-312.
- "Measurement and Performance Issues of Transport Protocols over
10Gbps High Speed Optical Networks," Yixin Wu, Suman Kumar, and Seung-Jong Park,
in the Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier, Volume 54, Issue 3, 2010, pp.475-488.
- "Probability Model for Data Redundancy Detection in Sensor Networks,"
Suman Kumar and S.-J. Park, in the Special Issue of the Journal of Mobile Information Systems, Volume 5, Number 2, 2009, pp.195-204.
- "On Transport Protocol Performance Measurement over 10Gbps High Speed Optical Network," Yixin Wu, Suman Kumar and S.-J. Park, accepted
at The 18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2009), 2009.
- "A Scalable Correlation Aware Aggregation Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks," Y. Zhu, R. Vedantham, S.-J. Park and R. Sivakumar, in Elsevier Information Fusion Journal, Vol9,
Issue 3, July, pp.354-369, 2008.
- "GARUDA: Achieving Effective Reliability for Downstream Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks," S.-J. Park, R. Vedantham, R. Sivakumar and I. Akyildiz, in the journal of IEEE transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol.7, No.2, pp.214-230, Feb, 2008.
- "Energy Efficient Correlated Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Networks," S.-J. Park and R. Sivakumar, in the special issue of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.7-13, 2008.
- "Sink-to-Sensors Congestion Control," R. Vedantham, S.-J. Park and R. Sivakumar in the journal of Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, vol 5, no. 4, pp462-485, May 2007.
- "Time-Adaptive Numerical Simulation for High Speed Networks," S. Kumar, S.-J. Park, S. Iyengar, and J.-H. Kimn, in the Proc. of High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication System (HPCNCS-07), Orlando, FL, 2007.
- "EnLIGHTened Computing: An Architecture for Co-allocating Network, Compute, and other Grid Resources for High-End Applications," L. Battestilli, A. Hutanu, G. Karmous-Edwards, D. Katz, J. MacLaren, J. Mambretti, H. Moore, S-J Park, H. Perros, S. Sundar, S. Tanwir, S. Thorpe, and Y. Xin, in the proceeding of IEEE Honet'07, Dubai, UAE, November 2007.
- "ACKNET, A Synthetic, Reliable, and Accurate Network Emulator over Long Fat Networks,"
Y. Zhou, Y. Yuan and S.-J. Park, in the Proc. of the 17th Annual Argonne Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics, Nov, 2006.
- "A Scalable Correlation Aware Aggregation Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks ,"
Y. Zhu, R. Vedantham, S.-J. Park and R. Sivakumar,
in the Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Internet (WICON), Budapest, Hungary, July 2005.
- "Sink-to-Sensors Congestion Control,"
Ramanuja Vedantham, Seung-Jong Park, and Raghupathy Sivakumar,
in the Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Communications,
Seoul, Korea, 2005
- "A Scalable Approach for Reliable Downstream Data Delivery
in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
Seung-Jong Park, Ramanuja Vedantham, Raghupathy Sivakumar
and Ian F. Akyildiz, the Proceedings of ACM International
Symposium on Mobile Ad hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC), pp78-89, Japan, May 2004.
- "Transport
Layer Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks," K. Sundaresan, Seung-Jong Park,
and R. Sivakumar, the book of Ad Hoc Networks: Technologies
and Protocols published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Springer, pp.123-152, 2004.
- "TCP
Performance over Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: A Quantitative Study," V.
Anantharaman, Seung-Jong Park, K. Sundaresan, and R. Sivakumar,
Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol 4, Issue 2, pp203-222, Mar 2004.
- "Sink-to-Sensors Communication Reliability in Sensor Networks,"
Seung-Jong Park and
Raghupathy Sivakumar, In ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and
Communications Review (Extended Abstract, Mobihoc'03), Volume 7, Issue
3, pp.27 - 28, July 2003.
- "Adaptive Topology Control for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks,"
Seung-Jong Park and
Raghupathy Sivakumar, In ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and
Communications Review (Extended Abstract, Mobihoc'03), Volume 7, Issue
3, pp.37 - 38, July 2003.
- "Scaling
power up to resist SIR measurement error in CDMA mobile systems,"
Dongwoo Kim, Seung Jong Park, and J. Lee, In proceedings of CDMA
International Conference (CIC), pp. 419-422, Seoul, Korea, 1998.
"Optimal Channel Separation in CDMA Mobile Systems,"
Seung Jong Park and Dongwoo Kim, In proceeding of CDMA International Conference, pp.
419-422, Korea, 1997.
"Frequency Coordination between Adjacent Carriers of Two CDMA operators,"
Seung Jong Park, et al, In proceeding of 48th IEEE Vehicular Technology
Conference, pp. 1458-1461, Atlanta, USA, 1996.
"Complexity Reduction Method for Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction Coding,"
Sung Joo Kim, Seung Jong Park, Yung-Hwan Oh, In proceeding of
International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, pp. 2071~2074,
Japan, 1994.