Lecture Notes:
- First day class handout (pdf)
- Preparation for first meeting with client, etc (pdf)
- Intro: requirements (pdf)
- Example of an initial-req-document (pptx)
- Business analyst's tasks (pdf)
- ER-data modeling (pdf)
- Finite-state modeling (pdf)
- Critical reflection (pdf)
- Relational-algebra (pdf)
- Bernstein's 3NF algorithm (pdf)
- Library dataflow example (pdf)
- Testing (pdf)
- Elevator-homework-comments (pdf)
- Bus-system-ER-model (pdf)
- Car-repair-ER-model (pdf)
Sample Web-page Structure-designs
- Sample from the African American History Museum project(pdf)
Exams and Other Things
- First exam (pdf)
- Notes on Writing (ppt)
- Solution to ER-model problem in Second test (pdf)
Notes on WBS: Work Breakdown Structure:
- My notes (pdf)
- WBS-for-ER-modeling (pdf)
- Some power-point notes (ppt)
- Software Engineering Best Practices, by Dr. D.J. Frailey (ppt)
Other Reading Materials:
- Pair-programming (pdf)
- Essay on testing (pdf)
2009-Possible Class Projects:
The list below shows some possible projects, each of which involves a
non-profit organization
in Baton Rouge as the client,
that the students can choose from in order to meet the
service-learning requirement
of the course.
These projects typically involve web-developments and data-base developments, and are strongly recommended as a way of
developing community awarness and empowering our local community while practicing and polishing your software skills.
You can also come up with their own projects that you formulate with a local non-profit organization.
- Big Buddy Program: WordPlay-Teen-Writers
(more info):
website development
to facilitate teen-age student writes interact with teachers and other mentors
- Project Name: WordPlay-Baton-Rouge on the Web (WPBR)
Members: Trey Miller (communication-person), Zachary Dever, Thomas Gary, Bridget Kovacs, Eric Totte
- Document:
project-summary (pdf)
- Document:
functions-inputs-outputs (pdf)
- Document:
meeting-agenda (pdf)
- Document:
final-presentation-slides (see project documentation)
- Document:
Complete project documentation (pdf)
Project Name: Interactive Youth Expression: Giving Wordplay to All (IYP)
Members: John Albrecht, Alana Lively, Eugene Radcliff, Ravi Chimmalgi, Shi Ning Sun
- Document:
project-summary (pdf)
- Document:
functions-inputs-outputs (pdf)
- Document:
meeting-agenda (pdf)
- Document:
final-presentation-slides (see project documentation)
- Document:
Complete project documentation (pdf)
- East Baton Rouge Council on Aging
(more info):
website development
to facilitate internet access to events and opportunities for senior citizens
Project Name: EBR-COG Website (EBRCOG)
Members: Tim Kulage (communication-person), John Traylor, Franklin Davenport
- Document:
project-summary (pdf)
- Document:
functions-inputs-outputs (pdf)
- Document:
meeting-agenda (pdf)
- Document:
final-presentation-slides (pdf)
- Document:
Complete project documentation (pdf)
- United Methodist HOPE MInistries: Community-Market-Place
(more info):
website development
to facilitate non-profit organizations to market their products and
services in the community
Project Name: DotNetKillas: A Community Market-place for Louisiana Non-Profits (DNK)
Members: Sean O'Connell, Robert Firth, Brad Johnston, Brian Bell, Carletria Wheeler
- Document:
project-summary (pdf)
- Document:
functions-inputs-outputs (pdf)
- Document:
meeting-agenda (pdf)
- Document:
final-presentation-slides (pdf)
- Document:
Complete project documentation (pdf)
Project Name: Community-Organizations' Common Shopping Mall (COCSM)
Members: Terrel Carter, Matthew Batrous, Devin Gallow, Timothy Gonzales, Hailong Shen
- Document:
project-summary (pdf)
- Document:
functions-inputs-outputs (pdf)
- Document:
meeting-agenda (pdf)
- Document:
final-presentation-slides (pdf)
- Document:
Complete project documentation (pdf)
- Urban Restoration Enhancement: Rebuilding-Neighborhoods
(more info):
website and database development
to facilitate socio-economic development of a community
Project Name: Project-Success Tracking System (PSTS)
Members: Michael Gerges, Daniel Selig, Deontrea Campbell, Adam Chapman
- Document:
project-summary (pdf)
- Document:
functions-inputs-outputs (pdf)
- Document:
meeting-agenda (pdf)
- Document:
final-presentation-slides (pdf)
- Document:
Complete project documentation (pdf)
Project Name: UREC Client Tracking System (CTS)
Members: Andy Burasavich, Will Folse, Michael Miceli, Chris Miceli, Justin Farr
- Document:
project-summary (pdf)
- Document:
functions-inputs-outputs (pdf)
- Document:
meeting-agenda (pdf)
- Document:
midterm-presentation-slides (pdf)
- Document:
final-presentation-slides (pdf)
- Document:
Complete project documentation (pdf)
2008-Class Projects:
- DominoesOnDemand (here)
- FreeGradeKeeper (here)
- FSMbuilder (here)
- MicroLending (here)
- OnLinePhotographyRetail (here)
- PianoProdigy (here)
- SeniorCitizenAccess (here)