CSc 4101  Fall 2007  Notes


1. Why Study

          Choosing language to use, Easier to learn new languages, Understand obscure features (e.g., .* in C++), Choose among alternative ways to express things (e.g., x*x versus x^2 versus x**2), Make good use of debuggers and assemblers and linkers and related tools, Simulate features in languages that lack them (e.g., iterators in Clu and Icon)


2. Environments

          Tools – debuggers, assemblers, preprocessors, compilers, linkers, style checkers, configuration management, software engineering tools, tracers, breakpoints, steppers, windows – Visual Studio and .Net


3. Interpretation

          Compilers versus Interpreters, Hybrids

          Fortran libraries and linker (link editor)

          Intermediates – Assemblers, Preprocessors, Intermediate code (e.g., P-code)


4. Compilers and Computing Theory

          Scanner – lexical analysis, Parser – syntax analysis, Semantic analysis – intermediate code generation, Machine-independent code improvement (optional), Target code generation, Machine-specific code improvement (optional); Symbol table

An Example Program

program gcd(input, output);

var i,j: integer



          while i<>j do

                   if i>j then i := i - j

                   else  j := j – 1;




Its Tokens (Lexemes)

program     gcd    (        input ,         output                  )        ;

var              i        ,         j        :        integer                 ;         begin

read            (        i        ,         j        )                  ;         while

i                  <>     j        do     if       i                  >       j

then            i        :=      i        -        j                  else   j

:=                j        -        i        ;         writeln                 (        i

)                  end    .



program à PROGRAM identifier ( identifier more_identifiers): block .


block à labels constants types variables subroutines BEGIN statement

          more_statements END

more_identifiers à identifiers more_identifiers | e                   eè empty string

Programming Language Syntax


Rules (Production rules or productions)

          digit à 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

          nonzerodigit à 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

          natural_number à nonzerodigit digit*

è Kleene star (meta-symbol meaning 0 or more


Chomsky grammars

          (S,T,N,S) - S is alphabet, T is set of terminals (words), N is set of nonterminals

(parts of speech), and S is an element of N and is the start symbol

          Rules – Concatenation, Alternation (choice among alternatives – may use |),

                   Repetition (*)

          Regular grammar – uses only those rules

                   Lexical analysis

Regular expressions: a character, empty string, two regular expressions concatenated together, two regular expressions in alternation (|), or a regular expression followed by the Kleene star (*)

          Context-free grammars – add recursion


          Context-sensitive grammars and General grammars



DFA = deterministic finite automaton

Q (finite set of states), S (an alphabet of input symbols), qeQ (an initial state),

                   FÍQ (distinguished final states), and d:Q´SàQ

(transition function)

NFA – transition function is multivalued – implies



Regular expressions

DPDA – deterministic pushdown automata – stack

                   Q, S, q, F, G (finite set of stack symbols), ZeG

Another Example - Tokens

                   digit à 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

                   unsigned_integer à digit digit*

                   unsigned_number à unsigned_integer

((. unsigned_integer) |  e)

((e (+|-|e) unsigned_integer) |  e)

Another Example - Context-free Grammar

                   expression à identifier | number | - expression |

( xpression ) |

expression operator expression

                   operator à - | + | * | /

                   identifier_list à identifier | identifier_list , identifier


Derivations and Parse Trees

          Another Example: slope * x + intercept

expression è expression operator expression è expression operator identifier

è  expression + identifier è expression operator expression + identifier

è  expression operator identifier + identifier

è  expression * identifier + identifier è identifier * identifier + identifier

è  slope * x + intercept


Revised grammar

Precedence (*, / before +,-)            Associativity – breaking precedence ties

          2^3^4 with ^ implying exponentiation

          left à (2^3)^4 = 8^4 = 2^12 = 4096               right à 2^(3^4)

= 2^81



Scanning   lexical analysis

          Deterministic finite automaton (dfa) – recognizes tokens

          Note: parser is a deterministic push-down automaton (dpa)

for context-free grammars

Pascal scanner

          Finite automaton

Lexical errors

Comments (pragmas) – significant commands to compiler


Top Down versus Bottom Up

LL – left to right scan, left-most derivation – top down

          Manual or parser-generator construction

          Predictive parsing

          LL(k) – look ahead k tokens


          id_list à id id_list_tail

          id_list_tail à , id id_list_tail | ;

          Figure  id(A), id(B), id(C)

Recursive Descent

          $$ end pseudo-token   


                   program à stmt_list $$

                   stmt_list à stmt stmt_list | e

                   stmt à id := expr | read id | write expr

                   expr à term term_tail

                   term_tail à add_op term term_tail | e

                   term à factor factor_tail

                   factor_tail à mult_op factor factor_tail | e

                   factor à ( expr ) | id | literal

                   add_op à + | -

                   mult_op à * | /


          recursive descent program – (LL(1) parse)



          read A

          read B

          sum := A + B

          write sum

          write sum / 2


          parse tree



Panic mode, Phrase-level recovery, Context-sensitive


          Exception-based recovery, Error productions


Table-Driven Parsing

          Predict sets


Writing Grammars

          Ambiguity (e.g., dangling else)

LR – left to right scan, right-most derivation

          SLR, LALR, full LR subclasses

          Number of tokens for look-ahead (e.g., 1)




Semantic Analysis

          Static – structural

                   Attribute grammars

                             Rule X0 à X1 X2 … Xn

                             Parse tree:


                              |                    |            |

X1               X2                  Xn


                             A(Xj) – some attribute of symbol Xj



Synthesized attributes – passed up parse tree

S(X0) =f(A(X1),f(X2)…A(Xn)

                             Intrinsic attributes  - synthesized attribute for

leaf node

determined outside parse tree (e.g., type

from symbol table of a variable)

                             Inherited attributes – passed down parse tree

I(Xj) =f(A(X0),f(X1)…A(Xj-1)


                   Example Grammar

                             assign à var expr      

           expr à var + var | var

           var à A | B | C


          actual_type – synthesized, intrinsic for a variable

          expected_type – inherited, depends on left-hand-

side (lhs) of assignment statement


          Dynamic – meaning

                   Operational – simulation on target machine


                             Example: C statement

for (expr1; expr2; expr3) { … }


                                      Operational semantics


                                                loop: if expr2 = 0 goto out



                                                          goto loop


                   Axiomatic – proof of correctness (logic)

                             Assertions - logical predicates

Axiom – logical statement assumed to be true

                             Inference rule – method of inferring truth of one

assertion on the basis of other assertions

                             pre- and post- conditions

                             Px precondition defined by axiom P = QxàE

P computed as Q with all instances of x replaced by E

                                      A=b/2–1 (a<10 postcondition)

 – substitute b/2-1 in a<10 to get b<22

                                      Sum = 2*x+1 {sum>1 postcondition } è

{x>10 precondition}

but weakest precondition {x>0}

                             Sequences of statements

                                      {P}S{Q}                                                                                                    {P}S{Q},P’èP,QèQ’/{P’}S{Q}        

                             Logical pretest loops – loop invariants

                                      While (y<>x) do y=y+1 end

{y=x precondition}

{y<=x loop invariant}

                             Kraft example: Linear Search

                             void function ls(list x, list_type key, k int answer)


                                                int i;

                                                for (i=1; i<=length(x); i++)

                                                          if (key == x[i]) then {

return (i);





                                      loop invariant – ls returns index of first

occurrence of key or 0 if key not in list


Denotational  - recursive function theory


                   bin_num à 0 | 1 | bin_num 0 | bin_num 1


                   Mbin(x) = meaning of x

                             Mbin(‘0’)= 0,  Mbin(‘1’)=1, Mbin(bin_num ‘0’)=2*Mbin(bin_num),

Mbin(bin_num ‘1’)=2* Mbin(bin_num)+

Data Types


Type – set of values an entity can take


Declaration and Definition – Name of entity and name of type

          Denotational – set of values


Constructive – small collection of built-in types (primitives or predefined -

e.g., Boolean, integer, character, real) or composite (constructor, e.g.,

record, array, set)

          Abstract (interface, set of operations, mutually consistent



Boolean (logicals), characters, integers (unsigned integers called


Ordinals or discrete types

rationals, reals, complex numbers, decimals

          ordinals and those immediately above – scalar or simple


Enumeration types

          Type weekday = (sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat);

          Can be index types in Pascal


Subrange types

          Type test_scores = 0..100;



          Arrays, Sets, Files, Lists, Pointers


Type Checking

          Equivalence – same type

          Compatility – operations allowed

          Inference – type determined from constitutent parts of an expression

                   Conversion (coercion)




          Slices and Operations

Array Addressing

Unions (Variant records)




Array Addressing


c = the size of an element (ArrayElementType) in memory units

k = dimensionality of array (number of dimensions)


          ArrayElementType  b[L1:U1, … Lk:Uk];


          Lj £ Ij £ Uj

          Nj= number of elements in array b along dimension j = Uj - Lj+ 1

          N = number of elements in array b = Pj=1k Nj


          Address(b[I1, …, Ik]) = Address(b[L1, …, Lk]) + {c * factor}

For row-major order, storing and retrieving the first row, then the second row, and so on, with the leftmost subscript moving the slowest going across linear memory and the rightmost subscript moving the fastest, we have

          factor = åt=1k-1 (Pr=t+1k [Ur – Lr +1] (It – Lt)) + (Ik – Lk)

For column-major order, storing and retrieving the first column, then the second column, and so on, with the rightmost subscript moving the slowest going across linear memory and the leftmost subscript moving the fastest, we have

          factor = åt=2k (Pr=1t-1 [Ur – Lr +1] (It – Lt)) + (I1 – L1)

Recursion and the Activation Record (and the Run-Time Stack)

An Example for Factorials (n!, where n is a nonnegative integer) */

#include <stdio.h>

int facit(int);

int facrecur(int);

int facrecursim(int);

int stackparm[101]; int stackra[101];

int top = 0;   /* run-time stack as array */

void main() {

          int n;

          printf (“input n, the factorial number desired as a nonnegative

integer\n”);  scanf(“%d”,&n);

printf (“iterative factorial %d = %d! = %d\n”, n, n, facit(n));


printf (“recursive factorial %d = %d! = %d\n”, n, n,

facrecur(n));  printf(“\n”);

printf (“simulated recursive factorial %d = %d! = %d\n”, n,

n, facrecursim(n));  printf(“\n”);


int facit (int n) {

          int i;  int prod = 1;

          for (i = n; i ³ 1; i--) { prod *= i; }

          return (prod);


int facrecur (int n) {

          if (n == 0)  return (1);

          else return (n * facrecur(n-1));



/* Factorial Via Simulated Recursion

0.    Initialize

a.     Input integer n

b.     parameter = n                    parameter is of type integer

c.     returnaddress := 0             switch - 0 ® main program

                   d. create stack                         stack hold return-address

and parameter

                   e. top = 0                                run-time stack initially


          1. push(parameter,returnaddress)   (call)

2.    If parameter = 0 then

a.     factorial := 1

b.     go to step 4


a.     parameter := parameter –1

b.     returnaddress = 3              switch – 0®step 3

 recursive caller

c.     go to step 1

3.    factorial := factorial * (parameter + 1)


a.     pop(parameter,returnaddress)

b.     if returnaddress = 3 then go to step 3

c.     else go to main program                                */

void push (int *parm, int *ra) {

          top += 1;

          stackparm[top] = *parm; stackra[top] = *ra;


void pop (int *parm, int *ra) {

          *parm = stackparm[top]; *ra = stackra[top];

          top -= 1;


int facrecursim (int n) {

          int parm; int ra = 0; int step = 0; int fac;

          parm = n;

          while (step != 4) {

                   push (&parm, &ra);

                   if (parm == 0) { fac = 1; step = 4; }

                   else { parm -= 1; ra = 3; }


          while (ra == 3) {

                   if (step != 4) fac *= (parm + 1);

                   pop(&parm, &ra); step = 0;


          return (fac);



S-expression (symbols)

          Atom – x, 1, “a”

          List – (a b c)

          Sublists - (a (b c) (d (e (f g) h))) - sub

                   Evaluation – first element of list assumed to be an

operator, remainder are operands

-         every operator is a function returning a value

-         side effects – print, assignment

(+ 5 3) à 8         (+ 3 5  9 11) à 28       (* (+ 2 3) (+ 4 6)) à 50

          ; comment

          postponed (controlled) evaluation of symbols


          exit, load, +, -, 1+, 1-, *, /

          (set ‘x 4) or (setq x 4)            ; assignment


          car,. cdr                         ; breakdown lists

(car ‘(a b c)) à a          (car (‘(a b) c d e)) à (a b)     ; head of list

                   (cdr ‘(a b c)) à (b c)                                          ; tail of list                     (caaadddr)

          cons, list, append          ; put lists together

                   (cons Elem List) à (Elem List)

                   (list Elem1 Elem2 … ElemN) à (Elem1 Elem2 … ElemN)

                   (append List1 List2 … ListN) à (elements of list arguments

in order)

                   (cons ‘a  ‘(b c)) à (a b c)      (list ‘a ‘(b c) ‘d) à (a (b c) d)

                   (append ‘(a b) ‘(c d) ‘(e f)) à (a b c d e f)

          car, cdr, cons, list, append not destructive

          nil à ()      ; empty list, also indicator of “false”







Functions (user defined)

          (defun function-name (list of formal parameters)

                   (defun add3 (x) (+ x 3)) à add3

formal parameters called “bound” variables and are local

(pass by value)

other variables used locally are called “free” variables and

are global

          (load ‘file-name)          ; enter lisp program from file


          Predicates – return t for true or nil for false

                   atom, listp, null, numberp, typep

                   (member Elem List) – return tail of list beginning with first

occurrence of Element

          (cond ( (predicate) (statement(s)) ) )                 ; note use of cond

          ; Examples (note recursion at work):
                   (defun fac (n)                         ; recursive factorial (n!)

                             (cond          ( (not (integerp n)) nil)

( (< n 0)                  nil)

                                      ( (equal n 0)             1 )

                                      ( t                    (* n (fac (1- n))))))

                   (defun mylength (l)

                             (cond          ( (not (listp l)                nil)

                                      ( (null l)               0 )

                                      ( t            (1+ (mylength (cdr l))))))

                   (defun mylengthwithif (l)

                             (if (null l) 0 (1+ (mylength (cdr l)))))

(defun mymember (e l))

                             (cond          ((atom l)              nil)

((null l)                nil)

                             ((equal e (car l))  t )

                             ( t              (mymember e (cdr l)))))

(defun mypower (b n)

     (cond     ((or (not (numberp b)) (not (numberp n)))        nil)

           ((< n 0)    (/ 1.0 (mypower b (*  -1 n))))

           ( t            (* b (mypower b (1- n))))))


Using clisp


          (defun arithmetic (x)

                   (+ x (* x x) ) )

          (defun main ()

                   (setq of (open “kraftout” :direction :output) )

                   (setq iof (open “kraftin” :direction :input) )

                   (terpri of)

                   (setq z (read iof) )

                   (setq y (arithmetic z) )

                   (print y of) )

DATA IN FILE kraftin




                   (load ‘kraft)





Another example: powerset in Lisp

                   powerset is the set of subsets of a given set



 (defun long (l)

                   (cond ((null l)  0)

                              (   t           (1+ (long (cdr l))))))

(defun add (e l)

                   (cond ((or (atom l) (null l))     nil))

                             (   t         (cons (cons e (car l)) (add e (cdr l))))))

(defun power (l)

       (cond ( (not (listp l))          nil)

                    ( ( null l)                  (list l))

          ((equal (long l) 1)    (list l (cdr l)))

          ( t  (append (add (car l) (power (cdr l))) (power (cdr l))))) )



          (load ‘powerset)

          (setq z ‘(a b c)

          (power z))


à ((A B C) (A B) (A C) (A) (B C) (B) (C) () )



          defun sum-of-ints (n)            ; example of for command

                   (do ((i n (1- i))

(result 0 (+ i result)))

((zerop i) result)))

          (prog1 (car stack) (setq stack (cdr stack))         ; note use of prog1

                             ; prog1 evaluates expressions but returns result of first one


Property Lists                       ; databases (of sorts)

          (setf (get ‘chair3 ‘color) ‘blue)

          (get ‘chair3 ‘color) à blue


Advanced Lisp

          (defun sum-loop (func n)                ; apply to use function as argument

                   (do ((i n (1- i))

(result 0 (+(apply func (list i)) result)))

((zerop i) result)))

                             (sum-loop ‘sqrt 5)

(defun squared (n) (* n n))     (sum-loop ‘squared 5)

(sum-loop (lambda (x) (* x x)) 5)

                             ; lambda for unnamed functions

          (setq x ‘(cons ‘a ‘(b c)))     (eval x) à (a b c)             ; eval to evaluate a symbol

          (mapcar ‘1+ (100 200 300)) à (101 201 301)

          (mapcar ‘+ ‘(1 2 3) ‘(100 200 300)) à (101 202 303)

                                                          ; mapcar to use an operator on a list


          (setq x (read))      (a b c) x à (a b c)

          (prog1 (print ‘enter) (setq x (read)) à same result as above

                                      ; can use car and cdr to get individual elements of x

(loop          ; use of loop and let to to read a number n and print Ön

                   (print ‘number >)

                   (let ((in (read)))

                             (if (equal in ‘end) (return nil))

                             (print (sqrt (in))))

Strings                “characters”

List Representation (cons list)

          Double linked list – left pointer points to value, right pointer points to remainder

                   of list

          dotted pair (a) = (a . nil)        (a b c) = (a . (b . (c . nil)))

          Equality    (setq x ‘(a b c))    (setq y (cdr x))              (setq z ‘(b c))

                   (equal y z) à t    (eq y z) à nil

                             ; eq means same object not just same value

                             ; eql works like eq except if symbols are numbers of same type

and value


 Functional Programming (FP) – Backus  (Everything is a function, returning a value; no assignment)


FP = (O,F,F,D), where:

          O = set of objects, either atoms (e.g., numbers or symbols), sequences

(lists, denoted by <…>), or the bottom symbol ^ which means


F = set of functions, where, for each f e F, f: O --> O;

Example: +: <1,2> à 3

F = set of functional forms to make new functions

D = set of definitions to define functions in F and to assign names to



(Primitive) Functions

          Selector s:x @ x=<x1,…,xn> & 1£s£n & s integer à xs ; ^

          Tail tl:x @ x=<x1> à F; x=<x1,…,xn> & 2£n à <x2,…,xn>; ^

          Identity id: x @ x

          Atom atom: x @ (x is an atom) à T; x¹^ à F; ^

          Equals eq:x  @ x=<y,z> & y=z à T; x=<y,z> & y¹z à F; ^

          Null null:x @ x=F à T; x¹^ à F; ^ (F = <> = empty sequence)

          Reverse reverse:x @ x=F à F; x=<x1,…,xn> à <xn,…,x1>; ^

          Distribute from left (right)

                   distl:x @ x=<y,F> à F; x=<y,<z1,…,zn>> à

<<y,z1>,…,<y,zn>>; ^

                   distr:x @ x=<F,y> à F; x=<<y1,…,yn>,z> à

<<y1,z>,…,<yn,z>>; ^

          Length length:x @ x=<x1,…,xn> à n; x=F> à 0;^

Transpose trans:x @ x=<F,…,F> à F; x=<x1,…,xn> &

xi=<xi1,…,xim> "i 1£i£n

& yj=<x1j,…,xnj> "j 1£j£m à <y1,…,ym>;^


                   +:x @ x=<y,z> & y,z numbers à y+z; ^

                   -:x @ x=<y,z> & y,z numbers à y+z; ^

                   *:x @ x=<y,z> & y,z numbers à y*z; ^

                   ¸:x @ x=<y,z> & y,z numbers & z¹0à y¸z; ^





and:x  @ x=<T,T> à T; x=<T,F> È <F,T> È <F,F> à F; ^

or:x  @ x=<F,F> à F; x=<T,F> È <F,T> È <T,T> à T; ^

not:x  @ x=T à F; x=F à T; ^

          Append left (right)

                   apndl:x        @ x=<y,F > à <y>; x=<y,<z1,…,zn> à


                   apndr:x @ x=<F,z > à <z>; x=<<y1,…,yn>,z> à


          Right Selectors; right tail

                   sr: @ x=<x1,…,xn> & 1£s£n & s integer à xn-s+1; ^

                   tlr:x @ x=<x1> à F; x=<x1,…,xn> & 2£n à <x1…,xn-1>; ^

          Rotate left (right)

rotl:x @ x=F à F; x=<x1> à <x1>; x=<x1,…,xn> & 2£n à <x2,…xn,x1>; ^

                   rotr:x @ x=F à F; x=<x1>à <x1>; x=<x1,…,xn> & 2£n à

<xn,x1,…xn>; ^

Functional Forms

          Composition (f 0 g):x @ f(g:x))

          Construction [f1,…,fn]:x @ <f1:x,…,fn:x>

          Condition (p --> f; g):x @ (p:x)=T à f:x; (p:x)=F à (g:x); ^

          Constant x:y @ y=^ à ^; x

          Insert /f:x  @ x=<x1> à x1; x=<x1,…,xn> & 2£n à

f:<x1,f:<x2,…,xn>>; ^

Example: /+:<4,5,6> = +:<4, /+:<5,6>> = +:<4,+:<5,/+:<6>>>

= +:<4,+:<5,6>=+:<4,11>=15

          Apply to all af:x  @ x=F à  F; x=<x1,…,xn>à <f:x1,…,f:xn>>; ^

          Binary to Unary (bu f x):y @ f:<x,y>

          While (while p f):x  @ (p:x)=T à (while p f): (f:x); (p:x)=F à x; ^

Definitions def l @ r where l is a symbol (function name) and r is an


          Example: def last @ (null 0 tl --> 1;last 0 tl)

Sample Programs


                    def eq0 @ eq 0 [id, 0]

                   def sub1 @ - 0 [id, 1]

                   def ! @ (eq0 à 1; * 0 [id, ! 0 sub1])

          Inner Product def IP @ (/+) 0 (a*) 0 trans

          Matrix Multiplication def MM @ (aaIP) 0 (adistl) 0 distr 0

[1,trans 0 2]

Bonus Homework Problems

1. Evaluate the following

a) 3 0 tl: <a,b,c,d>

b)     tl 0 2: <a,b,c>

c)     length 0 distl 0 reverse: <<1,2,3,4,5>,a>

d)     (/+) 0 (a length): <<1>,<2,3>,<4,5,6>>

          2. Write a non-recursive FP program to compute the mean of a sequence of numbers (remember that the mean is the sum of the sequence divided by the number of numbers in the sequence).

x (read)) à same result as above

                                      ; can use car and cdr to get individual elements of x

(loop          ; use of loop and let to to read a number n and print Ön

                   (print ‘number >)

                   (let ((in (read)))

                             (if (equal in ‘end) (return nil))

                             (print (sqrt (in))))

Prolog                 Logic Programming

          Facts           relation-name(arguments).

lower-case first letter à constant

upper-case first letter à variable


parent(pam,bob). parent(tom,bob). parent(tom,liz). parent(bob,ann).

parent(bob,pat). parent(pam,jim).


          pam   tom

                              |        /      \

bob             liz

                             /     \

                             ann     pat




          Queries      ? relation-name(arguments).

                   ? parent(bob,pat).  yes

                   ? parent(liz,pat).   no             

                   ? parent(X,liz). X=tom

? parent(bob,X). X=ann     ;             X=pat

                   ? parent(X,Y).

                   , à AND             ; à OR


          Rules          relation-name(arguments) :- relation-name(arguments),


offspring(X,Y) :- parent(Y,X).

grandparent(X,Z) :- parent(X,Y),Parent(Y,Z).

          Recursive rules

predecessor(X,Z) :- parent(X,Z).

predecessor(X,Z) :- parent(X,Y),predecessor(Y,Z).


Problem – does order make a difference?   Bonus – run this and tell what happens

pred1(X,Z) :- parent(X,Z).                        pred1(X,Z) :- parent(X,Y),pred1(Y,Z).

pred2(X,Z) :- parent(X,Y),pred2(Y,Z).    pred2(X,Z) :- parent(X,Z).

pred3(X,Z) :- parent(X,Z).                        pred3(X,Z) :- pred3(X,Y),parent(Y,Z).

pred4(X,Z) :- pred4(X,Y),parent(Y,Z).    pred4(X,Z) :- parent(X,Z).


Declarative meaning versus Procedural            Goals         Matching (Scanning)

          Instantiation of variables

          Structures date(Day,Month,Year) line(point(1,7),point(2,5)).

          Horn clauses in logic             Backtracking


Problem – suppose we add gender (e.g., male(jim). and female(ann). facts to our knowledge base, then add the rule sister(X,Y) :- parent(Z,X),parent(Z,Y),female(X).  What weird thing can happen?  ann is ann’s sister!  Welcome to Prolog world.


main(X,Y) :- add(X,Y,Z),write(X),write(‘ ‘),write(Y),

write(‘ ‘),write(Z),nl.

add(A,B,C) := C is A + B.











          3   4   7



List Stuff




          [a|b,c,d] à a is head of list (car), [b,c,d] is  tail of list (cdr)

          [a, b| c, [d, e], f] allowed





          member(X,[_|Y]) :- member(X,Y).



          concatenate([X|L1],L2,[X|L3]) :- concatenate(L1,L2,L3).



          delete([X,[H|L1],[H|L2]) :- delete(X,L1,L2).



          add(X,L,L1) -: delete(X,L1,L).


          sublist(S,L) :- concatenate(L1,L2,L),concatenate(S,L3,L2).



          permute([X|L],P) :- permute(L,L1),add(X,L1,P).




is è assignment operator     + - * / ** // mod

length([],0).     length([_|Tail],L) :- length(Tail,N), L is N +1.


gcd(X,X,X). gcd(X,Y,D) :- X < Y, Y1 is Y - X,


gcd(X,Y,D) :- Y < X, gcd(Y,X,D).



mypower(B,N,P) :- N < 0,M is -N,mypower(B,M,Q),P is


mypower(B,N,P) :- M is N-1, mypower(B,M,Q), P is B * Q.

Monkey and Banana Problem


actions –walk, push, climb, grasp

_ à unnamed variable nl à newline      write           nl and write always true







canget(State,[Action|Actions]) :-



printactions([X|Y]) :- write(X),nl,printactions(Y).

main(S,A) :- canget(S,A),printactions(A).

Word Problem

There are five houses on a block in a city, with a different man of a different nationality and who smokes a different brand of cigarettes (politically incorrect) living in each house. Each man has a different pet and drinks a different drink.  Moreover, each house is a different color.  Now,7 just the facts: 1) the Englishman lives in the red house, 2) the Spaniard has a dog, 3) the man living in the green house prefers coffee, 4) the Ukranian drinks tea, 5) the man with the snail smokes Winstons, 6) the man in the yellow house smokes Kools, 7) the man who prefers orange juice also prefers Lucky Strikes to smoke, 8) the Japanese man prefers to smoke Parliaments, 9) the man in the middle house prefers milk, 10) the man in the first house is a Norwegian, 11) one house has a zebra, 12) one house has a man who prefers water, 13) the man who has a fox lives next to the man who smokes Chesterfields, 14) the man who has a horse lives next to the man who smokes Kools, 15) the Norwegian lives next to a blue house, and 16) the green house is to the immediate right of the ivory house.  Now, who lives where, who has which pet and which drink and which cigarette brand, and what color are the houses?


          the first house is yellow with the Norwegian, a fox, with water and Kools; the second house is blue with the Ukranian, a horse, with tea and Chesterfields; the third house is red with the Englishman, a snail, with milk and Winstons; the fourth house is ivory with the Spaniard, a dog, with orange juice and Lucky Strikes; the fifth house is green with the Japanese, a zebra, with coffee and Parliaments







puzzle :-

Houses = [_,_,house(_,_,_,milk,_),_,_],

Houses = [house(_,norwegian,_,_,_),_,_,_,_],

















memberp(X,[_|Y]) :- memberp(X,Y).



nexto(X,Y,[_|Z]) :- nexto(X,Y,Z).


rightof(X,Y,[_|Z]) :- rightof(X,Y,Z).


printhouses([X|Y]) :- write(X),nl,printhouses(Y).

8 Queens


Eight queens – put eight queens on a 8x8 chessboard where no queen can attack another queen – remembering that queens can move up or down, left or right, and diagonally as  much as they like.

answer(L) :- template(L),solution(L),write(L),nl.



solution([X/Y|Others]) :- solution(Others),member(Y,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]),



noattack(X/Y,[X1/Y1|Others]) :- Y =\= Y1,Y1-Y =\= X1-X, Y1-Y

=\= X-X1,



member(X,[Y|L]) :- member(X,L).


Controlling backtracking (the cut !)

f(X,0) :- X<3.      f(X,2) :- 3=<X, X<6.   f(X,4):-6=<X.     ?f(1,Y),2<Y.       no

cut à instantiations before cut stay as is and cannot be changed

f(X,0) :- X<3,!.   f(X,2) :- X<6,!.   f(X,4).

max(X,Y,X) :-X>=Y,!. max(X,Y,Y).


Suppose we have a programming contest and players are winners if they win every match, fighters if they win some and lose some, and sportsman if the lose all contests.  Beat(X,Y) implies player X played and beat (won) player Y.

          Class(X,fighter) :- beat(X,_),beat(_,X),!. class(X,winner) :- beat(X,_),!.

Class(X,sportsman) :- beat(_,X).



Suppose mary likes all animals but snakes.

          likes(mary,X) :- snake(X),!,fail.      likes(mary,X) :- animal(X).

          or      likes(mary,X) :- animal(X), not snake(X).


          different(X,X) :- !,fail. different(X,Y).

          ; can use to make sure ann is not her own sister as before

          different(X,Y) :- X = Y,!,fail ; true.

Java Tutorial



// A first program in Java       comment

public class Welcome1 {       //  class definition for Welcome1


          public static void main( String args[] )

                             //  needed - main


               System.out.println( "Welcome to Java Programming!" );

                   //  System.out = main output object,

//  println = method for that object

          }                           //  end of main

}                                    //  end of Welcome1 class


Compiler: javac è Welcome1.class                  = 

fle with bytecode

Execution: java Welcome1



// A welcome program in Java in a dialog box

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;   // import JOptionPane class

public class Welcome4


          public static void main( String args[] )



null,"Welcome\nto\nJava\nProgramming!" );

//  ShowMessageDialog = method for JOptionPane class

….null first argument

                   System.exit ( 0 ); // terminate the program





// An addition program

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Addition {

          public static void main( String args[] )

                   String firstNumber,

          secondNumber;  // numbers entered by user

                   int number1,


                       sum;                          // local variables - integers

                   firstNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter

first integer" );

                   secondNumber =

JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter second

integer" );

                             // read in the two numbers as strings

number1 = Integer.parseInt( firstNumber );

number2 = Integer.parseInt( secondNumber );

                   // convert numbers from strings to integers

          {        sum = number1 + number2;

// add the numbers


null,"The sum is " + sum, "Results", JOptionPane,PLAIN_MESSAGE );

                   // display results, null is first parameter, "Results"

is the title of the

                             //     display box, PLAIN_MESSAGE is fourth


                   System.exit ( 0 );




// - A first welcome applet in Java

import javax.swing.JApplet;           // import JApplet class

import java.awt.Graphics;               // import Graphics class

public class WelcomeApplet extends JApplet {         // extension of class - inheritance


          public void paint( Graphics g )       // defintion of object g's paint method


                   g.drawstring( "Welcome to Java Programming!", 25, 25 );

//  drawstring method and numbers are coordinates



Compiler: javac è WelcomeApplet.class


File: WelcomeApplet.html

<html><applet code="WelcomeApplet.class"  width=300 height=30></applet></html>

Execution: appletviewer WelcomeApplet.html


// – An ddition program with two floating

// point numbers

import java.awt.Graphics;               // import Graphics class

import javax.swing;                         // import JApplet package

public class AdditionApplet extends Japplet {

          double sum;

          public void init()


                   String firstNumber,


                   double number1,


                   firstNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter

first real number" );

                   secondNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog

( "Enter second real number" );

                             // read in the two numbers as strings

number1 = Double.parseDouble( firstNumber );

number2 = Double.parseDouble( secondNumber );

                             // convert numbers from strings to double reals

          {        sum = number1 + number2;


          public void paint( Graphics g )                 // draw results


                   g.drawRect( 15, 10, 270, 20 );                 // coordinates

                   g.drawstring( "The sum is " + sum, 25, 25 );



Compiler: javac è AdditionApplet.class

File: Addition.Applet.html

<html><applet code="AdditionApplet.class"  width=300 height=50></applet></html>

Execution: appletviewer AdditionApplet.html

AWK (Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan)               Interpretive

No declarations – type determined in context


awk –f programfilename datafilename [ > outputfilename ]                  nawk


          BEGIIN{ … } { /* pattern section … } End{ … }

          order important but not all sections needed

 C based               ; only needed if more than one statement on

a line


Example: BEGIN{ print “Hello World!; exit}


Example: BEGIN{ i = 75; j = 30;

                        while(i >= j) {

                             If (i > j) i -= j

                             Else j -= i


                                    print “The greatest common divisor” \

                                              “of 75 and 30 is “ i




          Example     { arg1 = $1; arg2 = $2

                        while(arg1 >= arg2) {

                             If (arg1 > arg2) arg1 -= arg2

                             Else arg2 -= arg1


                                    print “The greatest common divisor of”  $1 \

                                              “and “ $2  is “ arg1






          Example     BEGIN{ sum_of_squares = 0 }

          # This line is optional - default – numerical variables

# initialize automatically to 0, character variables to the # null string

                             { sum_of_squares += $1*$1 }

# Default internal loop to read input data and process it # – one line at a time

END{ root_mean_square = sqrt(sum_of_squares)

/ NR

           print root_mean_square



          Internal variables

                   $i =  the ith field of current record

$0 = entire current record

                   NR = number of records read to this point

          $NF = number of fields in the current record

          FS = input field separator

          RS = input record separator

          OFS = output field separator

ORS = output record separator

Example BEGIN{ FS = “;” }

{ print NR, $0 }          # prints file with line numbers

# , à standard spacing, lack of comma means



Patterns assume a match before each statement in pattern

(middle) section

                             Assumed true if no pattern present

                             Default action if no statement present is to print

current line

                             Boolean - ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=

                             Match - ~, !~       match means presence of pattern

in target


                   Example     { NF >= 2

  for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) sum[i]+= $i



                                      END{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)

     printf “%g “, sum[i]

printf “\n”

print cnt “ records with 2 or more fields”



                   | alternation                   a|b means ‘a’ or ‘b’

                   + one or more               a+ means one or more ‘a’

                   ? means zero or one     a? means one or zero ‘a’


                   * means zero or more   a* means zero or more ‘a’


                   ^ means beginning anchor so ^a means field begins

with ‘a’

                   $ means ending anchor so a$ means field ends with ‘a’

                                                                             . means any character

                   […] means class [a-z] means any lower-case letter

                                                [ab] means ‘a’ or ‘b’



                             $2 ~ /a/      means match true if ‘a’ in field $2

                             $3 !~ /b/     means match true if no ‘b’ in field $3

                             $4 ~ /^this$|^that$/ means match true if field $4 =

‘this’ or field $4 = ‘that’

                             /start/,/stop/         means to start action if ‘start’

ccurs and keep doing it until ‘stop’ occurs


                   Logical connectives     || OR           $$ AND



                   Quiz: what do these programs do?

                             { length > 69 }

                             { /don/        }

                             { !/!/ }

                             { /hello/,/goodbye/ }

                             { $1 != prev { print; prev = $1 }


More                    exit, length(.), sqrt(.), log(.), exp(.), int(.), next, substr(.,.,.), index(..), split(.,.), printf format, whle, for, concatenation operations, files, arrays



                             In Unix, date must be reformatted

                             Counting words