ACM/AAAI  Allen Newell Award

The ACM/AAAI Allen Newell Award is presented to an individual selected for career contributions that have breadth within computer science, or that bridge computer science and other disciplines. This endowed award is accompanied by a prize of $10,000, and is supported by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, and by individual contributions.

Award Recipients
1994 Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.  (Winner, National Medal of Technology and ACM Turing Award)
1995 Joshua Lederberg (Winner, Nobel Prize of Medicine and National Medal of Science; Past President of Rockfeller Univ.)
1996 No award given

1997 Carver Mead (Caltech Emeritus Professor; Winner, National Medal of Technology and NAE Founders Medal)
98 Saul Amarel (AI Pioneer; Deceased)
999 Nancy G. Leveson (Software Safety Pioneer; MIT Professor)

2000 Lotfi Zadeh (Inventor of Fuzzy Logic; Berkeley; Chairman of Berkeley’s EECS Dept 40 years ago and currently Emeritus Professor; Winner of IEEE Medal of Honor)

2001 Ruzena Bajcsy (Computer Vision and Medical Device Pioneer; Director of CITRIUS Center, Berkeley; Previous Director of NSF CISE Directorate managing $500 million annual budget)

2002 Peter Chen