Spring of 2005 - present
Professor with tenure, Division of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Electrical and Computer Science at the Louisiana State University (LSU).

Fall of 2005 – summer of 2008
Graduate Program Coordinator, Division of Computer Science and Engineering (former Department of Computer Science) at the Louisiana State University (LSU).

Fall of 2000 - Summer of 2001
Interim Associate Dean for Outreach and Development, College of Engineering, Louisiana State University.

8/97 – 8/02
Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE, currently merged with the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering) at LSU.

8/93 - 8/97
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE) at LSU.

8/90 - 7/93
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering at Kansas State University. During the same period he was also teaching at the Command and General Staff School at the United States Army Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

9/87 - 5/90
Computer Consultant, Center for Academic Computing, Penn State University.

9/83 - 9/87
Teaching / Research Assistant, Penn State University.

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