"Security Level Determination Using Branes for Contextual Based Global Processing: An Architecture"

to appear in the Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM 2009), (the acceptance rate was equal to 26%,) Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May July 13-16, 2009, pages xxx-xxx,
(Click here to access the official webpage of the World Academy of Science and from there the page of the SAM 2009 conference).

by Gregory Vert and Evangelos Triantaphyllou

This paper presents the basics of a new paradigm that allows generators and consumers of global contextual information to determine an appropriate security level that the contextual information should have. Security levels have a direct correlation with confidence in the integrity of contextual data and thus their processing. The new approach is based on the concept of branes, which can be used to map different security levels of a collection of data points in some space. It turns out that different branes offer different classification capabilities and computational challenges. The data are described according to their information context and also to their security requirements. Because the internet inherently does not have good security, the creation of this model has necessitated the development of new methods for securing contextual information as it migrates around the web.

Key Words:
Global contextual processing, contextual processing security, security branes.

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