"Some Critical Issues in Making Decision with Pairwise Comparisons"

Proceedings of the Third Inter'l Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process,
George Washington University, Washington, D.C., July 11-13, pp. 225-236, 1994.

by Triantaphyllou, E., and S.H. Mann

Pairwise comparisons are the core of the AHP and provide an intuitive and efficient method in eliciting information for multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) applications. However, there are a number of critical issues related to their application in solving a MCDM problem. The main challenges are: (i) how to quantify them, (ii) how to process the resulted reciprocal matrices, and (iii) how to process the decision matrices. This paper presents some of the alternative approaches propose to solve the previous problems and discusses their relative effectiveness and limitations.

Key Words:
Pairwise comparisons, AHP, scales, eigenvalue approach, multi-criteria decision making.

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