Professor Evangelos Triantaphyllou, Computer Science Department at LSU, 2006



Business Address:

        Dr. Evangelos Triantaphyllou
        Louisiana State University
        School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
        Division of Computer Science and Engineering
        3272C Patrick F Taylor Hall
        Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA

        Adjunct Faculty
        Tulane University School of Medicine
        Department of Medicine
        Section of Hematology and Medical Oncology
        1430 Tulane Avenue
        New Orleans, LA 70112, USA

        Phone (at LSU): (225) 578-1348,         FAX (at LSU): (225) 578-1465
        E-mail: etriantaphyllou (at)

        Personal Webpage (at LSU): (this webpage)
        Personal Webpage (at Tulane): Click here
        Google-Scholar: Click here
        Research Gate: Click here

Teaching Schedule for the FALL 2024 Semester:

CSC 4890: Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Time and Location: Tuesday and Thursday, from 1:30 to 2:50 PM, in 1245 Patrick F Taylor (PFT) Hall.
Click here for more information on this course (i.e., the syllabus in PDF). .

CSC 7442: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery from Datasets
Time and Location: Tuesday and Thursday, from 10:30 to 11:50 AM, in 1218 Patrick F Taylor (PFT) Hall.
Click here for more information on this course (i.e., the syllabus in PDF).

Office Hours (Fall 2024):
By appointment only (actual office space is under repair). Make sure you use my E-address: etriantaphyllou (at)

Books Published by Professor Evangelos Triantaphyllou

A Unique Book on Data Mining and Mathematical Logic!

This is a new book authored by Professor Evangelos Triantaphyllou. Its title is: "Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Via Logic-Based Methods: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications." It was published on June 2010 by Springer. It is 350 pages long.

Please click here or on the above image for more information on this book and also on how to buy it.

A Unique Book on MCDM!

A unique book on Multi-Criteria Decision Making!
This book is authored by Professor Evangelos Triantaphyllou. Its title is: "Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods: A Comparative Study." It was published on November 2000 by Kluwer Academic Publishers (now Springer) and was reprinted since then. It is 320 pages long.

Please click here or on the above image for more information on this book and also on how to buy it.

A New Book on the Mining of Enterprise Data!

This book was co-edited by Drs. T. Warren Liao and Evangelos Triantaphyllou. Its title is:
"Recent Advances in Data Mining of Enterprise Data: Algorithms and Applications." It was published on January 2008 by World Scientific Publishing. It is approximately 800 pages long.

Please click here or on the above image for more information on this book and also on how to buy it.
A New Book on Data Mining!

This book was co-edited by Drs. Evangelos Triantaphyllou and Giovanni Felici. Its title is:
"Data Mining and Knwoledge Discovery Approaches Based on Rule Induction Techniques." It was published on June 2006 by Springer. It is 820 pages long.

Please click here or on the above image for more information on this book and also on how to buy it.



Dr. Triantaphyllou's education details and related links


    1/05 - present:     Professor with tenure, Division of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (former Department of Computer Science), Louisiana State University (LSU)
    9/05 – 8/08:     Graduate Program Coordinator, Division of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (former Department of Computer Science), Louisiana State University (LSU)
    8/02 - 12/04:     Professor with tenure, Department of Industrial Engineering (IMSE, currently merged with the Dept. of Mech. Engin.), Louisiana State University (LSU)
    8/00 - 6/01: Interim Assoc. Dean for Outreach and Development, College of Engineering, LSU
    8/97 - 8/02:     Assoc. Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering (IMSE), LSU
    8/93 - 8/97: Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering (IMSE), LSU
    8/90 - 8/93: Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Kansas State University (KSU). During the same period he was also teaching at the Command and General Staff School at the United States Army Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
    9/87 - 5/90: Research Computing Consultant, Center for Academic Computing, Penn State University
    1/84 - 8/87: Teaching / Research Assistant (TA/RA), Penn State University

His Research Has Been Supported by:

For a detailed description of our research activities, please see the various links on the left strip.

Selected Awards and Recognitions:
(For details please see the awards section in this web page)

      Professor Triantaphyllou has published numerous refereed papers in some of the most prestigious research journals in his areas of expertise and has made more than 40 conference presentations, most of which were invited. He served in the organizing committees of 3 international conferences and organized and chaired numerous invited sessions in conferences. He also served (1995-97) as the Chairman of the Speakers Program of INFORMS (former ORSA/TIMS).

      Besides refereeing for many prominent research journals, Professor Triantaphyllou also serves in the editorial boards of four journals in the areas of OR, CS, and IE. He also frequently serves in reviewing panels for the NSF (National Science Foundation) and NRC (National Research Council). He has co-edited a number of special issues, authored a monograph on multi-criteria decision making which has been published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in the fall of 2000, and co-edited a book on data mining (published by Springer in the spring of 2006).

For more details on all the above, please see the related links in the left strip of this page.

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