1. Vert, G., and E. Triantaphyllou, (2009), "Security Level Determination Using Branes for Contextual Based Global Processing: An Architecture," a presentation made during the 2009 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM 2009), (the acceptance rate was equal to 26%,) Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May July 13-16, 2009.
    (Click here to access the slides (Size = 177 KB); DO BE POSTED SOON
    (Click here to access the official webpage of the World Academy of Science and from there the page of the SAM 2009 conference).
    Also check in the Conference Proceedings section of Dr. Triantaphyllou's webpage for access to the proceedings paper related to this presentation.

  2. Pham Nguyen, A.H., and E. Triantaphyllou, (2008), "Prediction of Diabetes by Employing a Meta-Heuristic Which Can Optimize the Performance of Existing Data Mining Approaches," a presentation made during the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computers and Information Science, (ICICS 2008), Portland, Oregon, USA, May 14-16, 2008,
    (Click here to access the slides (Size = 177 KB)
    (Click here to access the official webpage of the ICIS 2008 conference.)
    Also check in the Conference Proceedings section of Dr. Triantaphyllou's webpage for access to the proceedings paper related to this presentation.

  3. Wang, X., and E. Triantaphyllou, (2007), "A Study of Regret and Rejoicing in Decision-Making and a New MCDM Method", a presentation made during the 2007 INFORMS Meeting in Seattle, WA, USA, on November 4-7, 2007.
    (Click here to access the slides. Size = 344 KB)
    (Click here to access the official webpage of the INFORMS 2007 conference which took place in Seattle, WA, USA)

  4. Pham Nguyen, A.H., and E. Triantaphyllou, (2007), "The Impact of Overfitting and Overgeneralization on the Classification Accuracy in Data Mining, a presentation made during the 2007 INFORMS Meeting in Seattle, WA, USA, on November 4-7, 2007.
    (Click here to access the slides. Size = 401 KB)
    (Click here to access the official webpage of the INFORMS 2007 conference which took place in Seattle, WA, USA)

  5. Pham Nguyen, A.H., and E. Triantaphyllou, (2005), "Predicting Protein Folding Structues by Means of a New Classification Approach. A paper was published in: Proceedings of the ICDM 2005 Workshop on: Temporal Data Mining: Algorithms, Theory and Applications. Hold in conjunction with the Fifth IEEE Inter’l Conference on Data Mining (ICDM’05), Houston, TX, USA, November 27-30, 2005 pp. 9-17.
    (Click here to access the slides. Size = 344 KB)
    (Click here to access the proceedings paper)

  6. Pham Nguyen, A.H., C.T. Bich San, and E. Triantaphyllou, (2004), "Solving Integer Programming Problems by Using Genetic Algorithms." A paper was published in: Proceedings of the Inter’l Conference on Electronic, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Hanoi, Vietnam, August 16-18, pp. 400-404.

  7. Zhu, P., and E. Triantaphyllou, (2004), “A Regression Model Based on Publication Records for Predicting Trends in New Research Developments,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, October 24-27.

  8. Pham Nguyen, A.H., T.W. Liao, and E. Triantaphyllou, (2004), “Finding Fuzzy Sets for Quantitative Attributes for the Mining of Fuzzy Association Rules,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, October 24-27.

  9. Wang, X., and E. Triantaphyllou, (2004), “Some Ranking Irregularities when ELECTRE Methods are Used to Solve MCDM Problems,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, October 24-27.

  10. Triantaphyllou, E., (2004), “A Data Mining Method Based on Monotone Boolean Functions,” presented during the workshop on “Mathematical Methods for Mining Enterprise Data,” which run during the Conference “Mathematical Methods for Learning: Advances in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery” hold at Lake Como, Italy, on June 28-July 2.

  11. Pham Nguyen, A.H., C.T. Bich San, E. Triantaphyllou, (2004), "Solving Integer Programming Problems by Using Genetic Algorithms," Inter’l Conference on Electronic, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Hanoi, Vietnam, August 16-18.

  12. Zhu, P., and E. Triantaphyllou, (2004), "Identifying New Trends in Knowledge Discovery by Analyzing Patterns in Research Publication Records," Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC), Houston, TX, May 15-19.

  13. Wang, X., and E. Triantaphyllou, (2004), "Some Ranking Irregularities When the ELECTRE Method is Used for Decision-Making," Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC), May 15-19.

  14. Triantaphyllou, E., (2003), “A Rule Induction Approach for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,” INFORMS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Oct. 19-22, 2003.

  15. Triantaphyllou, E., (2002), “A Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Approach Based on the Extraction of Rules from Examples,” A Tutorial, presented during the 30-th Inter’l Conference of Computers and Industrial Engineering, Tinos Island, Greece, June 28-July 1, 2002 (invited presentation).

  16. Triantaphyllou, E., (2002), “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making: Theory and Applications,” A Tutorial, presented during the 30-th Inter’l Conference of Computers and Industrial Engineering, Tinos Island, Greece, June 28-July 1, 2002 (invited presentation).

  17. Liao, T.W., G. Wang, E. Triantaphyllou, and P.-C. Chang, (2001), "A Data Mining Study of Weld Quality Models Constructed with MLP Neural Networks from Stratified Sampled Data," Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Dallas, TX, May 20?23.

  18. Torvik, V.I., and Triantaphyllou, (2000), "Guided Inference of Monotone (Boolean) Regression Models," Fall 2000 INFORMS National Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 5-8.

  19. Rafael. E.C., and Triantaphyllou, (2000), "An Approach for a Controlled Generalization of Boolean Functions," Fall 2000 INFORMS National Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 5-8.

  20. Wang, S., Sarker, B.R., L. Mann, Jr., and E. Triantaphyllou, (1999), "A Model for Adding New Depots for Emergency Power Restoration," The 1999 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), New Orleans, LA, Nov. 20-23.

  21. Triantaphyllou, E., R.C. Estrella, T.W. Liao, and V.I. Torvik, (1999), "The One Clause At a Time (OCAT) Approach for Data Mining," The 5-th Inter'l Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Athens, Greece, July 4-7.

  22. Torvik, V.I., and E. Triantaphyllou, (1999), "Inference of Monotone Boolean Functions and Their Applications to Data Mining," The 5-th Inter'l Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Athens, Greece, July 4-7.

  23. Estrella, R.C. and E. Triantaphyllou, (1999), "Some Critical Issues in Inferring Boolean Functions from Examples," (changed title), The 5-th Inter'l Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Athens, Greece, July 4-7.

  24. Wang, S., Sarker, B.R., L. Mann, Jr., and E. Triantaphyllou, (1999), "A Depot Location Model for Electric Power Restoration," The 25-th Inter'l Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, New Orleans, LA, March.

  25. Liao, T.W., J.-H. Chen, and E. Triantaphyllou, (1999), "Data Mining Applications in Industrial Engineering: A Perspective," The 25-th Inter'l Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, New Orleans, LA, March.

  26. Torvik, V.I., E. Triantaphyllou, T.W. Liao, and S.M. Waly, (1999), "Predicting Muscle Fatigue via Electromyography: A Comparative Study," The 25-th Inter'l Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, New Orleans, LA, March.

  27. Liao, T.W., E. Triantaphyllou, S.S. Iyengar, J. Chen, S.S. Pang, G.Z. Voyiadjis, (1999), "Data Mining and Applications," Louisiana Board of Regents Conference on "Links for Success,” Baton Rouge, LA, April 13-15.

  28. Triantaphyllou, E., V.I. Torvik and R.C. Estrella (1998), "The One Clause At a Time (OCAT) Approach for Data Mining." INFORMS International Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 1998.

  29. Torvik, I.V. and E. Triantaphyllou, (1998) "Optimal and Semi?Optimal Strategies for Inferring Monotone Boolean Functions with Membership Inquiries." INFORMS International Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 1998.

  30. Estrella, R.C. and E. Triantaphyllou (1998), "Some Data Mining Applications in Bioinformatics." INFORMS International Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 1998.

  31. Nieto, S.S., E. Triantaphyllou, D.B. Webster, and T.W. Liao, (1997), "Popular MRP Lot-Sizing Techniques are Still the Best Choice," Fall '97 INFORMS International Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 26-29.

  32. Shu, B. and E. Triantaphyllou, (1997), "On the Maximum Number of Feasible Rankings in Evaluating Alternatives in MCDM Problems," Fall '97 INFORMS International Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 26-29.

  33. Lu, J. and E. Triantaphyllou, (1997), "Inference of Monotone Boolean Functions by Asking a very Small Membership Questions," Fall '97 INFORMS International Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 26-29.

  34. Triantaphyllou, E. and J. Shu, (1997), "A Pattern Recognition / Optimization Approach for Analyzing Some Production Line Related Problems," An International Workshop on Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Production Lines, (Dr. C. Papadopoulos, Workshop Chairman) University of the Aegean, Samos Island, Greece, May 19-22.

  35. Triantaphyllou, E., (1997), "Reduction of Pairwise Comparisons in Decision Making via a Duality Approach," INFORMS International Meeting, San Diego, Cal., May 4-7.

  36. Triantaphyllou, E., (1997), "Document Classification and Analysis,” U.S. Department of Energy, Symposium on Declassification Productivity Initiative, Germantown, MD, March 3-7.

  37. Sarker, B.R., L. Mann, Jr., E. Triantaphyllou, and S. Mahankali, (1996), "Power Restoration in Emergency Situations," 19-th Computer and Industrial Engineering Conference, Miami, FL, March 3-6.

  38. Kovalerchuk, B., E. Triantaphyllou, J.F. Ruiz, and Jane Clayton, (1996), "Fuzzy Logic in Digital Mammography: Analysis of Lobulation," FUZZ-IEEE '96 International Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 8-11.

  39. Kovalerchuk, B. and E. Triantaphyllou, (1996), "An Interactive Method for Diagnostics and Reliability Analysis," Technology Showcase: Integrated Monitoring, Diagnostics & Failure Prevention, Mobile, AL, April 22-26.

  40. Kovalerchuk, B., E. Vityaev and E. Triantaphyllou, (1996), "How Can AI Procedures Become More Effective for Manufacturing?" Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop, (sponsored by AAAI and many federal agencies and laboratories,) Albuquerque, N.M., June 24-26.

  41. Triantaphyllou, E., B. Kovalerchuk, and A.S. Deshpande, (1995), "Some Recent Developments in Logical Analysis," 5-th INFORMS Computer Science Technical Section Conference, Computer Science and OR: Recent Advances in the Interface, Dallas, TX, January 8-10.

  42. Triantaphyllou, E., and E. Roider, (1995), "An Extension of Mangassarian's Linear Programming Approach to Classification," INFORMS International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1.

  43. Kovalerchuk, B., E. Triantaphyllou, and E. Vityaev, (1995), "Monotone Boolean Function Learning Techniques Integrated With User Interaction," INFORMS International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1.

  44. Deshpande, A.S., and E. Triantaphyllou, (1995), "A Randomized Heuristic for Inferring Logical Clauses from Examples and Some Extensions," INFORMS International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1.

  45. Triantaphyllou, E., (1995), "New Ranking Irregularities in the AHP and the Flexible AHP," INFORMS International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1.

  46. Haynes, P.J., and E. Triantaphyllou, (1995), "A Fast Heuristic for the Mean Tardiness Sequencing Problem," INFORMS International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1.

  47. Ray, M., and E. Triantaphyllou, (1995), "Conflicts in Ranking," INFORMS International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 29 - November 1.

  48. Triantaphyllou, E., (1995), "Academic Networking," OR Colloquium for Ph.D. Candidate Students in OR and MS, INFORMS International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 29-November 1.

  49. Mann, L., B.R. Sarker, and E. Triantaphyllou, (1995), "Resource Allocation for Power Restoration in an Emergency Situation," INFORMS International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 29-November 1.

  50. Triantaphyllou, E., and S.H. Mann, (1994), "Some Critical Issues in Making Decisions with Pairwise Comparisons," Third International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, GWU, Washington, D.C., July 11-13.

  51. Triantaphyllou, E., (1994), "A Duality Theory for Multi?Criteria Decision?Making," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Boston, MA, April 24-27.

  52. Triantaphyllou, E., (1994), "Decision Making in Engineering and Business: A Cost-Effective Approach," Northcon '94, Seattle, WA, October 11-13.

  53. Triantaphyllou, E., (1994), "Some Recent Developments on the Inductive Inference Problem," AT&T: Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, April 11.

  54. Triantaphyllou, E., (1994), "Some Recent Developments in Sensitivity Analysis for Multi-Criteria Decision Making," University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, February 3.

  55. Triantaphyllou, E., (1994), "Some Recent Developments in Sensitivity Analysis for Multi-Criteria Decision Making," University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, February 2.

  56. Triantaphyllou, E., and A. Sanchez, (1993), "A Criteria Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Four Multi-Criteria Deterministic Decision Making Methods," 24-th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Washington, D.C., November 21-23.

  57. Triantaphyllou, E., and A.L. Soyster, (1993), "Some Decomposition Approaches in Solving Large Inductive Inference Problems," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 31-November 3.

  58. Triantaphyllou, E., and A.L. Soyster, (1993), "Some Recent Developments in Inferring Logical Clauses from Examples," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 31-November 3.

  59. Triantaphyllou, E., and A.L. Soyster, (1993), "An Approach to Guided Learning of Boolean Functions From Examples," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Chicago, IL, May 16-19.

  60. Triantaphyllou, E., (1993), "Inference of Minimum Size Boolean Functions and Horn Clauses From Examples," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Chicago, IL, May 16-19.

  61. Triantaphyllou, E., (1993), "Development and Evaluation of Four Fuzzy-Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Chicago, IL, May 16-19.

  62. Sanchez, A., and E. Triantaphyllou, (1993), "Identification of the Critical Criteria In Deterministic Multi-Criteria Decision Making," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Chicago, IL, May 16-19.

  63. Hsu, P.P., and E. Triantaphyllou, (1992), "Inference of a 3-D Object From a Partial 2-D Projection," ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Kansas City, MO, March 1-3.

  64. Triantaphyllou, E., and J. Wang, (1992), "A Cost Effective Question Asking Strategy," ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Kansas City, MO, March 1-3.

  65. Triantaphyllou, E., (1992), "An Efficient Approach for Inferring A Minimum Size Logical System From Collections of Examples," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 1-4.

  66. Triantaphyllou, E., (1992), "On the Minimum Number of Logical Clauses Which can be Inferred from Positive and Negative Examples," University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, March 18.

  67. Triantaphyllou, E., (1992), "Some Recent Developments in Learning Rules from Positive and Negative Examples," Seventh Advanced Research Institute in Discrete Applied Mathematics (ARIDAM VII), Rutgers Center for Operations Research, Rutgers University, NJ, May 28-June 5.

  68. Triantaphyllou, E., and A.L. Soyster, (1991), "On the Minimum Number of Logical Clauses Which can be Inferred from Positive and Negative Examples," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, November 3-6.

  69. Sanchez, A., and E. Triantaphyllou, (1991), "Identification of the Critical Criteria When Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Nashville, TN, May 12-15.

  70. Triantaphyllou, E., and S.H. Mann, (1991), "Developing a New Scale For Quantifying Pairwise Comparisons in Fuzzy Sets," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Nashville, TN, May 12-15.

  71. Triantaphyllou, E., A.L. Soyster, and S.R.T. Kumara, (1991), "A Branch-and-Bound Approach in Deriving Rules From Examples," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Nashville, TN, May 12?15.

  72. Triantaphyllou, E., P.M. Pardalos, and S.H. Mann, (1990), "An Improved Scale for Pairwise Comparisons for Evaluating Membership Values from Saaty Matrices," 12-th Triennial Conference on Operations Research (IFORS '90), Athens, Greece, June 25-29.

  73. Triantaphyllou, E., A.L. Soyster, and S.R.T. Kumara, (1990), "An Integer Programming Approach in Determining the Knowledge Base in Rule-Based Systems from Sample Consultations," 12-th Triennial Conference on Operations Research (IFORS '90), Athens, Greece, June 25-29.

  74. Triantaphyllou, E., A.L. Soyster, and S.R.T. Kumara, (1990), "Determining Logic Rules in Expert Systems from Large Collections of Positive and Negative Examples," 8th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, Program Chair: Dr. Constantin Negoita, Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York, NY, June 11-15.

  75. Triantaphyllou, E., P.M. Pardalos, and S.H. Mann, (1989), "The Role of Perfectly Consistent Saaty Pairwise Matrices in Evaluating Membership Values," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, New York, NY, October 16-18.

  76. Triantaphyllou, E., and S.R.T. Kumara, (1989), "Learning Rules From Examples in Rule-Based Systems Via an Integer Programming Approach," First Annual Conference of the International Association of Knowledge engineers, University of Maryland, June 26-28.

  77. Triantaphyllou, E., P.M. Pardalos, and S.H. Mann, (1989), "A Decomposition Approach in Evaluating Membership Values in Fuzzy Sets," Optimization Days 1989, Montreal, Canada, May 4-5.

  78. Triantaphyllou, E., and S.H. Mann, (1986), "An Examination of Four Decision-Making Methods," The Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Science, Joint National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April 14-16.

Visit Dr. Triantaphyllou's homepage.